Virgo Yearly Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope Virgo Horoscope

As a practical, Mercury-ruled earth sign, you’re proud of your logical, precise perspective on life. As things become more unpredictable in the world this year, will you have to adapt new techniques to deal with the chaos? If we look at your ruler Mercury as it heads through four instead of three retrograde periods this year, Virgo, the short answer to that question is no. Because all of the retro cycles happen when your leader is in grounded earth signs, you’ll still have a calm demeanor as you deal with the potential negative effects. Structured Saturn is feeling rebellious during its placement in air sign Aquarius and your house of routine as the year begins, highlighting your attention to detail and bringing out your ability to work hard in order to complete personal and/or professional tasks, assignments and projects. Your hard work doesn’t depend on immediate gratification because you’re totally happy with delayed rewards. Receiving that sense of accomplishment and pride in your work is enough for you now. Like every year, you’ll be celebrating your birthday at some point between the end of August and the end of September, when your analytical and organized nature should be most appreciated. If you plan a party for yourself, it will be important that every last detail is handled with precision! And as the summer months end, you’ll be more than ready to start thinking about fall and getting things back to “normal.” Cleaning, organizing and getting rid of unneeded things (in an environmentally friendly way, of course) will be high on your priority list now. 


There are always things that will try to distract you from focusing on your love life, but if you make it a priority this year, love will thrive. You tend to be reserved and controlled when it comes to love, Virgo, but Luna’s new cycle in rebellious, nontraditional Aquarius and your house of routine in late January helps you shake things up a little. This off-the-wall lunation is an exciting time for you to experiment, get out of your comfort zone and think about (gasp!) making changes to that “like clockwork” dating routine of yours. Romantic Venus links up with fiery, exciting Leo in early June, however, so you’ll be ready to turn up the heat in your love life to epic levels this summer. With passionate Venus transiting your psychic twelfth house now, you are extremely tuned in to a potential partner and instinctually know what they want (including their secret desires). Don’t second-guess your intuition. This intense, spiritual connection and emotional and physical chemistry can take you to extreme new heights. The last Mercury retrograde cycle of the year in the second half of December can be tricky to navigate, and because Mercury is partnered with stable Capricorn and your house of leisure and entertainment, you struggle with the work/play balance. Can you really afford to blow off work (especially during the end-of-year crunch) to go on a date or spend time with someone you’re trying to get to know better? There’s a time for fun and a time for work, and not knowing the difference now could really cost you. 


It would be beneficial for you to keep an open mind in order to get what you want this year, Virgo, and because serious Saturn is linked with eccentric Aquarius and your house of critical thinking to start the year, you might just get some benefit from that topsy-turvy pairing. Every time you think it’s important to stick to your routine (concerning both work and money), play devil’s advocate to see what might happen if you did the opposite. Being a rebel won’t work for you in every situation, but it might work enough times to make occasionally shaking it up worth your while. Saturn moves into Pisces and your partnership zone in early March and will stays there through the end of the year, shifting into a retrograde cycle from mid-June to early November). This is big-time karmic energy, and what goes around definitely comes around. If you’ve made charitable contributions and invested your money wisely in morally acceptable places, it should come back to you and then some. However, if you’ve been less than honest in business dealing or involved with shady investments, scams or anything illegal, karma will indeed be that b*tch we always talk about! Finally, Jupiter, the planet of luck, is spinning with Aries and your house of transformation early in 2023, which is a huge indication that your luck is about to change. You might have to endure some unfortunate news first, but things ultimately end up positive for you during this transit. Inheritances are often part of this transit too. Jupiter will be in your house of partnerships from mid-May through the end of the year, denoting growth opportunities when you pair up with other people. New business partnerships are strongly advised now, and they should have very successful outcomes as long as there is balance and equality.

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