Pisces Yearly Horoscope

Pisces Horoscope Pisces Horoscope

As the ultimate optimist of the zodiac, you get permission from the Universe to stay in your own little dream world because your home planet Neptune continues to be influenced by your idealistic sign all year. And as usual, Pisces, you can continue to rely on your keen psychic and intuitive skills to observe and reflect on the world around you. Interpreting messages from your subconscious via daydreams and visions gives you surprisingly accurate information about your life path in 2023. The sun drifts through your creative, compassionate sign between the end of February and the end of March, so have fun celebrating your birthday month! As an introvert, you thrive in peacefulness and solitude, so your ideal birthday celebration might be kayaking solo around a placid lake or reading your favorite book by the pool, followed by a delicious dinner with your BFF or closest family members. Larger doses of reality will begin to surface during the Neptune retrograde cycle between the end of June and the end of the year, which can cause a lot more pessimism and subsequent disappointment. Looking at things as they are rather than how you wish they were isn’t always easy, but you’re a lot more capable of dealing with unpleasantness than you seem!


If you’re looking for love, this could be your year to find it. Your idealistic ruler Neptune is in your dreamy sign all year, so you have a good chance of conjuring up detailed visions of your actual soul mate. Yes, you excel at creating elaborate romantic fantasies that tend to only exist in your head, but if you pay close attention to the images and symbols that your dreams reveal, there could be some clues about your real-life soul mate. Regenerative Pluto is in your zone of future hopes and wishes early in the year, giving you even more power to turn your dreams into reality. This very intense and powerful transit helps you focus on your romantic desires and ambitions and put the pieces in motion for getting what you want. Pisces, you might have to do some deep reflection into what’s holding you back from finding the kind of love you want in your life, which isn’t always easy. But the transformative powers of this cosmic combination remind you not to give up. What (who) you want is out there waiting for you to find it (them)! Social media is one of your best dating tools during the new moon in tech-savvy Gemini in mid-June, so don’t hesitate to put it all out there. Even if you’re generally a private person, using the power of dating apps or popular social platforms is extremely beneficial during this outgoing lunation. Answer all of your DMs, say yes to blind dates, listen to offers from friends and family to set you up and flirt, flirt, flirt!


You’re a compassionate sign, Pisces, and this carries over into your career and financial situation this year. In 2023, most satisfying for you are careers in fields or with companies that you believe can make a difference. Giving money to charities you support will continue to be something you’re passionate about. Getting rich isn’t usually on your lifetime to-do list. Innovative Uranus has partnered with conservative earth sign Taurus again for the year, which encourages you to make slow and steady changes. This partnership should lead to increased creativity and a lot of “aha” moments that can result in thinking about interesting new career avenues to take in the future. During this transit look for career opportunities in the arts (writer, musician, poet), communications, tech, transportation and all creative endeavors. You might not be the most confident person regarding your financial situation, but this year there are excellent periods when you should be ready to take advantage of all the great opportunities that come your way. Because Venus rules over money, one such window comes when she partners with money-savvy Taurus (a sign she rules) from mid-March to mid-April. This is an excellent time to give your finances a lot of attention, with an emphasis on saving money. Or, if you’ve managed to put some money away for a rainy day, this is also a good time to spend your hard-earned cash on quality investments like art or jewelry. Expansive, fortunate Jupiter will also be in slow and steady Taurus and your third house of communication from mid-May through the end of the year, and most of your positive career and financial luck will come via education, communication, writing or in any field related to these activities. Working with languages is an excellent choice for you while Jupiter visits this area. You also attract the most abundance when you share your knowledge with others, so this placement is excellent for teaching or working with children in any capacity. Also watch for career or financial opportunities related to siblings, cousins, aunt, uncles, close friends who are like family and possibly even neighbors.

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