Cancer Yearly Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope Cancer Horoscope

You’re a very deep-feeling, intuitive, sensitive soul, Cancer, and because your ruler is the emotional moon, your moods go up and down like the tides. In 2023, making a conscious effort to pay attention to the moon’s rhythm can help you understand yourself much better, so take special note of the following special lunations.  In mid-April, a new moon and solar eclipse in your career zone can help you step up to the plate and hit a new project, assignment or interview for a new job or position out of the park! In early May, a full moon and lunar eclipse in your house of pleasure can send you on a quest for things that feel good. Creativity and drama abound!  In mid-October, a new moon and solar eclipse in your home sector can have you seeking comfort and security where you live. Redecorating or having a baby satisfies your urge to improve your home life.  In late October, the full moon and lunar eclipse are associated with the future and social settings, so be careful not to make social media posts that could be taken the wrong way. It’s so hard to detect tone when you’re not talking in person!  And, of course, like every year you have your birthday celebration to look forward to at some point between the end of June and the end of July, and 2023 is the perfect time to grab the reins and take control of your own party! If you’d like to lay low and pamper yourself with a couple of close friends or family members, do it! If you’d rather have a full-on blowout and invite everyone you know, start sending out the invites! Make this year’s celebration exactly what you want it. You deserve it. 


If you’re looking for love this year (and honestly, when aren’t you?!), you’ll want to acknowledge the new moon in mid-February. This is your one big chance to really grow and expand beyond what you typically experience, Cancer, and you can come out of this lunation with some serious self-awareness, a new bae, a commitment ring or maybe all of the above and more! “Transformation” is the keyword now, and the future looks extremely bright when you’re willing to leave the past behind and take another chance on love.  Powerful, sexual Mars spends time in your house of wealth at the end of May, and we’re not saying you’re a gold digger, but you’re also not messing with anyone who’s broke, are we right?! If power dating is a thing, then you’re completely into it. Is it wrong to go after someone just because of their status? We’re definitely not going to judge you. And if you have people in your life who will, that’s their problem. There’s also an expansive full moon in your adventure zone at the end of August that puts you on the path to some amazing new experiences via travel or just opening your mind to new possibilities. If you do have a trip planned, be on the lookout for other singles you vibe with. Meeting your soulmate in another country or while in a completely strange place is very likely now, so don’t be too shy to start a conversation and see where it goes. 


Determined, serious Saturn highlights your house of other people’s money and inheritances between January and early March, which could indicate you’re in for a power struggle during this time period, Cancer. Great, right?! And while you can’t think of anything you’d rather not do than to fight with family members or close friends over money, it might be necessary. Debt can also be a factor, so you might be dealing with a friend who said they’d pay you back and hasn’t or a family member who’s asking for a loan. It’s not a good idea to mix personal business with money, but if you do, be sure there is documentation in place that protects you if things go south. Saturn is in your house of expansion from early March through the end of the year, however, giving you the green light to be a little more financially adventurous. You’ll want to do in-depth research before acting on any opportunities. And educating yourself about the stock market and new types of currency can increase your wealth a great deal. And because there is a lot of wisdom surrounding you now, this is an excellent time to align yourself with financial professionals or older people who have more experience than you. Be like a sponge soaking up knowledge from every source imaginable!  And with experimental Uranus in money guru Taurus and your networking zone all year, this is a great time to meet people who can help boost you into your next career position. You never know who can help you make a big career move, so smile big, shake hands and schmooze with the best of them! The person sitting next to you at the movies could have an incredible celeb connection to help promote your brand, or the neighbor who just moved in might be in the hiring department at a company you’ve been dying to work for. You just never know!

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