Leo Yearly Horoscope

Leo Horoscope Leo Horoscope

The astrology of the year ahead will continue to push you to be very best version of yourself—are you ready? The Lunar North Node of Destiny remains in your ninth house, inspiring you to travel, study, and continue to explore the world’s fascinating mysteries! If there was ever a time to plan a big trip that will expand your horizons, the Spring and Summer promise to upgrade your overall life philosophy. Alternatively, you might decide to go back to school or enroll in a class to study a topic that fascinates you. What begins as a hobby now, could actually even become a job or a side hustle down the road—how exciting! Mercury goes retrograde in your sign between August 15 and August 28. Instead of concerning yourself with the misunderstandings that take place now, harness these days to figure out which are the new interests that excite your mind. Once informed, make your move between July 22 and August 21, when the sun enters your sign to light you up! Anything that you begin now has the Midas touch—especially if it’s started on or a few days after the August 4 new moon, which occurs in your sign!


When it comes to romance, the astrology of this year will set you off on a powerful journey that will develop over the next twenty years! Enigmatic Pluto enters your seventh house of relationships, adding depth and power to your relationships. Everyone who you relate with one-on-one (especially your partner), will function as mirrors, showing you the areas of you own personality that will require deep work and healing. If you are single, Pluto will only inspire you to relate form an incredibly deep level, as surface-level connections will no longer appeal to you starting this year. If you’re already dating someone, a whole new level of commitment could arrive this year, as Saturn in Pisces requests you to get serious about your bond. This “are you in or are you out” type of energy will be especially true around the September 17 full moon lunar eclipse.


The realm of career and public visibility could be your biggest win in 2024 as Jupiter in Taurus ignites your luck as well as ambition. If you’ve been happy with your job, the rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that occurs between mid-March and mid-May could elevate your status to sky levels! A promotion, windfall, or a new and exciting road could open for you around April 20, specifically. For this reason, you should be investing all your effort in this area of your life during the first part of the year. Once May 25 arrives, this fortune moves to the area of collaborations and community, making the Summer through the Winter ideal for finding a group that can boost your effort on a “community” type of level. The second part of the year would also be ideal for figuring out if your career can begin making a bigger and social type of impact.

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