Taurus Yearly Horoscope

Taurus Horoscope Taurus Horoscope

Your greatest success this year comes from opening your mind and trying new things, Taurus. Your beautiful ruler Venus spends the first day of the year in your house of expansion, which is an immediate sign that it’s time to start your next great adventure. You might not know where your spontaneous steps will lead, but you can’t wait to start the next leg of your great journey. Unpredictable Uranus will be traveling with your steady sign again this entire year, adding hints of electricity to your persona that can lead to some very interesting twists and turns. When this perky planet is in your first house of personal power, there is a lot of originality surrounding you and encouraging you to be more innovative and inventive across all aspects of your life. Lucky Jupiter also takes a spin through your first house this year from the middle of May through the end of the year, loosening you up and getting you to look at the lighter, more humorous side of life. You’re much more optimistic during this empowering transit, and you are more concerned with the greater good than your own individual needs. If you can manage to stay in this jovial, generous mood, you will attract some very positive things. It won’t be easy for you to conceal your emotions during the intense full moon and lunar eclipse in your sign in late October, so why not release them and let the cards fall where they may? Keeping your feelings to yourself can lead to a lot of stress, and since people can probably already guess your thoughts by your body language, why not just let them out? You won’t believe how free you can feel when you express what’s in your heart. 


Have you been feeling like love is everywhere except in your own life? That can change this year, Taurus! Meeting new people is relatively easy when your ruler Venus spends time in friendly, social Aquarius early in January. And while you won’t find a romantic connection with everyone, there’s nothing wrong with staying in touch “just in case.” Don’t rule out a love match with someone just because you don’t feel a spark right away. And being willing to go outside your comfort zone during this innovative transit will definitely increase your odds of finding someone. In late July, romantic Venus turns retrograde while in charming, fiery Leo, which could send an ex flying back into your life and asking you for a second chance. If you still have feelings for this person, it will be extremely tempting to let them back in, but don’t forget about the reasons you said goodbye in the first place. It should take more than good looks and charm for you to consider giving them another chance, especially if they broke your heart. You’re in for a romantic adventure when the sun travels through spontaneous fire sign Sagittarius starting in mid-November. This electric transit gives your love life some real physical and mental sizzle. With the optimism coming off this solar partnership having such an energizing effect, it’s easy to get caught up in the magic of the moment. Make sure you don’t lose yourself and what you stand for in the excitement of meeting someone new.


You put a lot of effort into your financial security, Taurus, and 2023 is no different. However, ambitious Saturn spends the first couple months in experimental Aquarius, which reminds you that reassessing and changing things up from time to time can be beneficial. Both your career and money situation will cash in on the slow, steady changes you’re willing to make during this transit, so try to keep an open mind. Be willing to approach these areas of your life less conventionally and traditionally than usual. Your career is highly affected by ambitious Saturn’s energy, so when this serious planet leaves rebellious Aquarius at the start of March and heads into sensitive Pisces, your feelings, intuition and dreams can take you to a totally new realm. While you’re used to focusing on concrete details and facts, this intuitive pairing encourages you to follow your inner voice and subconscious regarding potential career paths. You might start to consider new opportunities now that won’t necessarily net you a huge paycheck, but they will satisfy your longing to do something fulfilling with your life. A new moon in your detail zone in the middle of October helps you organize your finances and make sure you’re heading into the end of the year on a structured note. This tidy lunation should also help you avoid spending too much money over the holidays. Its prudent energy reminds you that it really is the thought that counts. Instead of splurging, put away some of your bonus money for a rainy day.

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