What is Brittany Myers’s Personality Type?

You are a solitary person who is not always easy to get along with. You have a fairly cold and nonchalant personality, and you are quite analytical. You are wary of the outside world and your senses, and you sometimes have a difficult time trusting your intellect. Your quest for self-identity gives you a voracious appetite for ideologies, theories, and intellectual readings. As a result, you are drawn to mountain climbing because of the physical effort it requires. It is a great joy for you to be alone at the peak and to contemplate and understand everything. In pursuit of this absolute center which animates you, you are shrewd and persistent. Stamina and endurance are resources which you are confident of using. Your existence and organism are arranged in a way that maximizes them. Others might consider you slow, but you are really just playing it safe. Time is on your side, and you are never afraid to take an initiative. When you do, you do so after careful thought and preparation. Your great composure, ability to resist and overcome obstacles, and your foresight give you a great potential to accomplish total self-control. However, you must be careful not to overdo things. You can be a bit too rigid and intolerant, and you can be dogmatic, hermetic, or conformist when it comes to intellectual pursuits. You can also be demanding of yourself, which can lead to a successful lifestyle or a stoic philosophy. The path to liberty is not always easy to follow, but you are determined to find it. Your introverted personality gives you a reserve attitude. You appreciate solitude and do not always enjoy sharing your feelings. You avoid superficial human contact as much as possible. Indeed, you sometimes feel uncomfortable at social events that are longer than necessary. Your sensitivity and vulnerability to emotional impulses sometimes makes you hesitant to take risks. When you do make an effort, it is usually after careful thought and contemplation. You prize deep feelings and the passion they arouse, and you want to find a kindred spirit with whom you can express your feelings freely. Succeeding in your endeavor is very important to you, because if you fail to achieve your goals, your emotions will be deprived of the energy needed to be released. This would lead to a state of emotional isolation and estrangement from others.

Due to the influence of the sign of Aries, Brittany Myers has an impulsive nature. However, insecurities might incite her to counteract her deepest urges, and she rarely gives free expression to surges of emotion or instinctive motivations. Although she has gained great self control and stability, the trade-off has been a loss of cheerfulness, vitality, and spontaneity. First, she must be made to feel secure; then, she can learn how to relax again, to let go of life’s burdens to rediscover joy, humor, and authenticity. With their gifts for human interaction and openness, Libra partners would help her most.

Brittany Myers finds her work rewarding. Daily life and routine activities are excellent sources of self-fulfillment for her.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Aries, while the sun was passing through the sign of Capricorn. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension: Individualism – Guile – Vitality and passion – Need for security – Pugnacity – Inhibition – Impatience – Studiousness – Impetuosity – Methodical nature – Enterprise – Foresight – Innovation – Loyalty. Your character is animated by the tension between an impulsive, spontaneous nature and an abiding need for security and continuity. Your behavior is jagged and seems to proceed by fits and starts. Maturity should bring your stability between these contradictory inclinations which will coexist, although you will still be aware of deep doubts provoked by the situation. Ambitious and persistent, you can devote all your energy to succeeding. Your taste for leadership makes you apt to play an important role in society, taking on serious responsibilities.

Brittany Myers was born on the night of a full moon, a “shining moon” type. This soli-lunar configuration gives her a shining personality which is apt to communicate and transmit ideas. Throughout her life, Brittany will be attracted to the idea of acting as a spokesperson for a cause, idea, or person whose message seems essential to her. She will have to develop her powers of discernment, to determine which subjects or people are really worth her personal commitment.

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