Libra Yearly Horoscope

Libra Horoscope Libra Horoscope

In 2024, you continue the transformative process that first began in July of 2023, dear Libra. The Lunar South Node of Destiny—which can be described as a cosmic boom—continues to remove from your life what no longer aligns with your true path. As a natural evolutionary process that hasn’t occurred since 2006, it surely packs a punch—and one that requires remembering the art of letting go. Around the September 22 Fall Equinox, harness this energy by performing a clean-up of your home, friend list, and even social media contacts. This year, it’s crucial that you trust that there is a reason behind the empty space that is being created, most likely around the March 24 full moon lunar eclipse. Something better and even more meaningful could arrive at the October 2 new moon solar eclipse, which happens in your sign. Luckily, some of the pressure from early years gets removed this year as Pluto—the planet of transformation—finally exits your home sector for good! This means that your family (and private) life will get easier and more harmonious. After fifteen years of experiencing radical change, ups, and downs in this area of your life, this is certainly something to rejoice about!


Since you’re changing quite considerably, Libra, it’s only natural for this personality upgrade to affect your relationships, too. This is especially true if you’re committed or live with your partner. Similarly to a vibe that was active at the beginning of 2023, the first quarter of 2024 will be about doing some deep healing work when it comes to your closest bonds. Doing the work of talking, processing, and drawing the boundaries within your relationships will ensure your relationship not only survives but becomes stronger by the April 8 new moon solar eclipse. If you’re single, you might be more interested in playing the field than initiating a serious connection. Your best times for dating in 2024 come between February 16 and March 10 and from June 16 and July 10, when lover Venus graces your romance as well as your visibility sector.


Your career is also an area in which you will have to show the universe what you are made of! Since March of 2023, master teacher Saturn entered your sixth house of work and daily habits. In 2024, your heavy workload and long days will continue, so make sure you practice regular self-care to avoid burnout! The good news is that once this transit ends in early 2026, you will be left with a meaningful position, or a completely thriving business, in the case that you work for yourself. In fact, you might see some serious and tangible progress and results by the time the September 17 full moon lunar eclipse. Mark August 19 and December 24 on your calendar as times to make changes to your strategy. This is when Jupiter squares Saturn, offering opportunities to scale down and even redirect your efforts!

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