Gemini Yearly Horoscope

Gemini Horoscope Gemini Horoscope

Your curious mind gets distracted easily but will be tuning in to the details lead to more success this year? Your witty, cerebral ruler is Mercury, the planet of communication, socialization, technology and short trips, so its yearly retrograde cycles can be particularly difficult for you, Gemini. And there are four of them for you to deal with in 2023 (mid-January, late April, late August and mid-December). The good news is it that they all pass through logical, steady earth signs, so staying calm and focused on the details that you can control instead of the ones you can’t help you prepare to navigate these retro slowdowns. Serious Saturn will be traveling with kindred air sign Aquarius from January to early March, which further brings out your natural curiosity and encourages you to pursue a philosophical train of thought. Your goals are based on your values and morals, and you aren’t into doing anything unethical even if it puts you ahead of your competitors or gets you the fame, success and power that you desire. In this deeply contemplative time, you can get to the heart of what you really want in life and formulate a solid plan to attain it. You’re always at your best during your birthday month, and you’re ready to celebrate in style as the sun makes its way through your social sign between the end of May and the end of June. No matter what you went through last year, you’ll be ready for a fresh start now, so happy birthday to you, curious, adaptable and expressive Gemini!


The Twins love versatility, so you enjoy being on the dating scene and flirting with a wide range of people. But when commitment-focused asteroid Juno heads into your house of friendship-based romance in mid-January, one of the potential lovers you’re chatting with and getting to know better could very well have long-term potential. There’s no rush, Gemini, but don’t rule anything out with someone who’s just been in the friend zone up to now. The months heading into summer really heat up, and with passionate Mars partnered with electric fire sign Leo from late May to mid-July, sparks are ready to fly. You have a very attention-seeking vibe going now, and you want to be pampered and adored. You don’t set out to cause any problems, but you also don’t mind a bit of drama in your love life now either. You’re not afraid to say exactly what (and who) you want and explain what you want to do to them in great detail. Rawr! More balanced energy enters your love life during the new moon in relationship-focused (and fellow laid-back air sign) Libra in the middle of October, which makes you optimistic that good things are to come. This hopeful lunation supplies the easygoing, charming vibe that’s perfect for attracting other people who are casually looking for love but not in a panic to find it. If it happens, great. But if it doesn’t, it obviously wasn’t meant to be. And that’s totally okay.


Serious, career-focused Saturn spends the first couple of months this year in your house of higher learning, indicating that you’ll be doing some additional training, taking classes or getting certified to either get a promotion, a new position at your current company or a job in a completely new field. This is a time of growth and change that can give you some excellent insight into what you were truly meant to do as a career, Gemini. In the beginning of March, Saturn plants itself firmly in your career zone, so there won’t be much of a “finding myself” vibe. This hardworking energy is more about putting your energy into climbing to the top, with the main objective of getting the financial rewards that come with it. Your professional image will also be important now, but, tbh, getting raises and promotions (and dominating your competition) are what you’re most proud of. Lucky Jupiter will be spending the second part of the year in your house of intuition and divine inspiration, so you’ll have excellent instincts about money matters. You know how something lucky happens and you think, “Oh, I should go buy a lottery ticket”? If you have any of those inklings during this time period, follow them! You have big dreams, and your overactive subconscious can lead you toward finding a way to make them come true during this expansive partnership.

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