What does Avi Angel’s psychology tell us about them?

Avi Angel’s confidence in herself sometimes falters, and she might try to compensate for this weakness by insisting on her authority over others. With the people she is emotionally committed to, the same nagging feelings of insecurity prevent her from expressing her generosity and love fully; her extreme independence sometimes hides an inability to abandon herself and a lack of assurance.

You have a paternal complex, which means you have difficulty finding your identity. Your father might have been absent physically or emotionally during your childhood, which deprived you of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because you lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, you were forced to protect yourself against negative influences and find your own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to you as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with your evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber your mind or inhibit your developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, and you tend to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because your authoritarian urges are mainly directed at yourself rather than others, you sometimes feel guilty about your behavior. You judge yourself severely, and sometimes punishes yourself by setting difficult tasks for yourself. Gradually, you should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

Avi Angel is affectionate by nature and loves to play a decisive and central role in her life. She is a charmer who needs to be loved and is aware of the personal magnetism she possesses. She will make subtle changes in herself in order to attract positive attention. She is sophisticated and pleased to savor a lifestyle she sees as a consummate art.

Avi Angel has great strength of character. Her courage and endurance enable her to accomplish even extremely arduous tasks. Although she sometimes behaves impulsively, she generally knows how to plan out an effective strategy, and, as a result, she reaches her goals without meeting any major obstacles. Her forcefulness gives her certain leadership skills, which she may implement to creative and constructive ends.

Avi Angel is always on the move, in search of new contacts. Curious about all sorts of different subjects, she takes care to inform herself about many things. She enjoys conversation and communication and hopes to be admired for her talent and wit. Due to her having such a wide variety of interests, however, she can be something of a dilettante, and her thinking may sometimes lack discipline.

Avi Angel’s intellect is lively, agile, and sensitive. However, she does not always avail herself of it and may be confused or irrational in some situations. Although she enjoys playing with words, ideas, and concepts, her thought sometimes lacks discipline and structure. She is fairly preoccupied with details and may tend to waste her nervous and mental energy in futile verbal outpourings. Additionally, her feelings sometimes blur her objective vision of phenomena and people, which may cause her to make errors in judgment.

Avi Angel hides her sensitivity behind a cool, aloof exterior. She is fairly conservative, respectful of tradition and convention, and likes to follow the rules. Because she needs stability to alleviate her feelings of frustration and sometimes emotional dependency, she has great faith in contracts which seal relationships. Her ties to her past are fairly strong. They are a source of reassurance and safety, because her parents likely gave her a lot.

Avi Angel is emotional and tends to react suddenly and excessively as soon as her sensitivity is touched. Although she feels that her independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency are fundamental values, she is sometimes frustrated by her need to rely on her family or friends. Moreover, she does not always grant the freedom of other people the same respect as her own. Likewise, she is sometimes angered by expressions of maternal tenderness, as if she feared that it would doom her to eternal dependency. Her ambivalent behavior, full of jagged edges, may be traced back to the relationship she had with her mother or a mother figure. Although she was dependent on them, they may have rejected her. Now this attitude is extended to any situation in which her sensitivity comes into play and emotional bonds are liable to form. To ward off her feelings of dependency, she sometimes tends to become destructive. Based on denial, her reactions might be fierce, impulsive, excessive, erratic, or contradictory.

Avi Angel has a sensitive and imaginative mind, which can sometimes lead to difficulty distinguishing dreams from reality. Although her imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it’s less helpful and positive when it comes to matters such as finding a job that pays well. In a relationship, Avi is extremely romantic and often sees others in a way that is not entirely true. She has elegant tastes and enjoys art and beauty in their purest form.

Avi Angel sometimes fears to love – the world of her feelings is characterized by a certain chill and restraint. But she is not unfeeling; on the contrary, her sensitivity is so delicate that she is careful to protect it. Her determination to maintain control of her feelings and force her emotions to obey the laws of reason may stand in the way of intimacy and joy.

Avi Angel’s birth chart indicates a somewhat introverted emotional function which is influenced by the cultural values traditional to her family and social class. Because she does not always trust her emotional urges and reactions, she generally prefers to hang back and acquire some perspective before committing herself emotionally.

Avi Angel’s emotional involvement might be the source of some dissatisfaction for him. The usual romantic behavior and the lifestyle values prevailing in this area are not really appropriate for him. As a result, he seeks few intimate emotional relationships or contacts. He tends to stay in the background and fulfill his emotional needs by sublimating. He might not attain full romantic satisfaction until he reaches middle age.

Avi Angel is a sensitive person who is a mixture of cheerfulness and melancholy, of shallowness and depth. She protects her sensitivity with irony and is always trying to keep control of herself. It is difficult for her to yield entirely to love, because she fears the power of her emotions. She must have an atmosphere of merriment and movement in which to thrive; otherwise, she may feel stifled, in a relationship with a person who is too old or too dull and down-to-earth for her.

Avi Angel does not always adapt well to change, and is an extremely faithful partner in love. Mutual respect, work, and shared interests will be the glue that cements the bond of her married life. Moreover, her companion should be able to contribute to her social success. Although the marriage may not be an especially affectionate one at first, a profound and enduring love should emerge later.

Avi Angel thinks about how to approach a problem, often relying on abstract and logical thinking. Her areas of study include mathematics, philosophy, political science, and ideologies. She thinks about how ideologies influence people and how people can be influenced by ideologies.

Avi Angel expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

You are highly adaptable and able to take in new experiences with ease. You are curious and open-minded, approaching various life experiences with an attitude free of dogmatism and prejudice. As a result of your great mental vitality, you tend to have an opinion on every subject, but you do not always have the patience necessary to examine a subject in-depth. You enjoy manipulating expressions and concepts and amuse yourself with witty remarks, satire, and controversy. If you learned to control your flow of words and elaborate your thoughts more, you could make a talented communicator. Because you are often too hasty to formulate and construct the arguments which would back up and inform your ideas, you are sometimes misunderstood. You are often blind to the rashness of your judgments and convinced they are well-founded and objective, which sometimes irritates the people around you. If you were to succeed in disciplining your mind somewhat, you would have innumerable opportunities to apply your communications skills to a great career. However, you would do well to be careful of your nerves.

The person known as Avi Angel may find it difficult to integrate new ideas and concepts or to give thought structure and coherence. This may be related to a psychological complex that may have occurred during childhood or adolescence when they opposed parental or academic authority. As an adult, they may be hostile or vindictive towards people in positions of power, particularly law enforcement agencies. They should be careful what they say, as it may have consequences.

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