What does Ana Brenda Contreras’s psychology tell us about them?

Ana Brenda Contreras searches for stability. She wants to find a firm, unchanging structure for her life. But her efforts to achieve this ideal are often vain, because unconsciously, she is also inhabited by the opposite desire. Every time she reaches what she believes to be a good balance, she realizes she wants something entirely different. She should become aware that the concepts of stability and balance are difficult to apply to life. By definition, life is movement, change, and perpetual instability.

Ana Brenda Contreras’ personality and behavior are liable to be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes ruling her psyche. Because her sensitivity is in conflict with her determination, her attitude and performance may be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, she has the feeling she has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging her yearnings and fulfilling her ambitions. Her unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of her conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage her plans. In her relationships, the images she builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, also grates on her nerves. She finds it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

Ana Brenda Contreras is a very sensitive person who is constantly surrounded by a flood of impressions and sensations. It is often difficult for her to communicate her feelings to other people, as she is inspired and intuitive by nature. However, due to her lack of inner structure and organization, it is difficult for her to grasp the essence of her dreams and share them with others. Ana Brenda Contreras is not at all combative, and this hinders her efforts to fit into society and assert herself productively. Her inclination to prefer fantasy over reality and her refusal to abandon her dreams leads her into a psychological trap she has fallen into without realizing it. She must understand that by escaping from her obligations and commitments, she only makes things worse for herself. Once she frees herself from this trap, she has a great deal of potential to fulfill herself in the outer world, either by devoting herself to the community or by developing her considerable artistic talents.

Ana Brenda Contreras is sociable by nature, and is drawn to others out of a need for acceptance and respect. This sensitivity and discerning nature means that she is often offended by the harsher demands of life, and Prefers to maintain harmonious relationships. Her relationships are of the utmost importance to her, and she is often quite devoted to them.

Ana Brenda Contreras has a sensitive and imaginative mind which sometimes causes her difficulty distinguishing dreams from reality. She finds inspiration in her bubbling imagination for creative and spiritual evolution, but is less helpful and positive when it comes to her self-assertion as responsible and self-sufficient in relationships.

Ana Brenda Contreras’ attractions are usually immediate and intense. They rise quickly to fever pitch. The story of these passions is often dramatic to excess, combining all the plot elements of a classic love tragedy: jealousy, possessiveness, agony as an erotic stimulant, etc.

Ana Brenda Contreras was born with an emotional function that expresses itself in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. As an eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, she is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Ana Brenda Contreras is a somewhat reserved person who is quite charming. She is a big softie who suffers bitterly when unloved. Full of unconscious contradictions, she is attracted to those she believes are virile and who turn out to be weak, who appeared tender but reveal themselves to be stoic. She then tries to shield her sensitivity with aloofness, though she loathes solitude. It will be difficult for her to achieve emotional happiness, but she will be happier as she ages.

Ana Brenda Contreras longs for a harmonious relationship that is both affectionate and sexual. It will take a partner with great human qualities, someone who does not try to dominate her, to win her favor. Once she finds this remarkable partner, she will devote herself body and soul to them and their shared future.

Ana Brenda Contreras has the fiery, importunate nature of a fervent lover. Indeed, affairs of the heart are one of her main purposes in life. Her personal charm and magnetism give her nearly irresistible powers of seduction, and nearly every one of her well-aimed attempts at conquest leads to the fulfillment and satisfaction of her desires. Due to her impulsiveness and impatience to initiate new encounters, her approach to potential partners may sometimes lack delicacy.

Ana Brenda Contreras may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive her to seek pleasure. Her need for romantic fulfillment may compel her to marry, because she also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that she had indeed achieved success. However, privately, she might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

Ana Brenda Contreras is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, she feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest her.

Ana Brenda Contreras expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly introverted and eager to discover and understand the inner world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

Ana Brenda Contreras has a lively and agile spirit. She tends to apply her mental abilities in a somewhat haphazard and disorderly way. She is curious and open-minded, approaching various life experiences with an attitude free of either dogmatism or prejudice. Her extremely lively mind leads her to have an opinion on every subject. Although she enjoys manipulating expressions and concepts and amuses others and herself with witty remarks, her conversations could collapse into argument and conflict. Because she is often too hasty to formulate and construct the arguments which would back up and inform her ideas, she is sometimes misunderstood. She is often blind to the rashness of her judgments and convinced they are well-founded and objective, which sometimes irritates the people around her. Actually, her overriding need to assert herself as an individual sometimes defeats discussion and prevents her from listening to the other person fairly. But if she were to succeed in disciplining her mind somewhat, she would have innumerable opportunities to apply her communications skills to a great career. Furthermore, she should be careful of her nerves, which are fairly high-strung. Any physical fitness activity would be beneficial; an Eastern discipline such as yoga or Tai-chi-chuan could teach her how to relax and improve control of her nervous and mental energies.

Ana Brenda Contreras sometimes makes mistakes in judgment, and her understanding of things is not always in tune with social realities or prevailing opinion. Her judgments tend to be hasty; her decisions are reckless. Moreover, she tends to overestimate her abilities and usually aims higher than might be realistic. Once an enterprise or project is underway, she may try to avoid obstacles by dodging certain duties. Because her vision of the world differs somewhat from social realities, she should be extremely careful and scrupulous in regard to legal matters, in order to avoid any complications of that type. She is sometimes slightly dishonest in her relations; she may break promises or attempt to duck responsibility. However, she should realize that such conduct toward other people is also a form of unconscious self-loathing. If she continues to behave in such a way, she is exposing herself to the same lack of sincerity from her partners.

You have a structured mind and penetrating intelligence, but your thought processes tend to be somewhat plodding. This slow pace may be the consequence of some failure or humiliation during your formative years. You are fairly inhibited and pessimistic and tend to doubt in yourself and your intellectual skills despite your undeniable gifts as a thinker. You should become aware that your thought patterns and habits are the sign that you are on the brink of a really big breakthrough which will give you an understanding of the complexity of things and phenomena; however, it will take time and effort. Your mind is deep and accurate and is attracted by the essence of things and their fundamental structure. As a result, you are particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Your contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. Whatever career you choose, you should learn to work alone, because you tend to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. You will also have to learn to conquer your impatience, because you tend to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Moreover, a lack of self-confidence could cause you to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, you should find the courage to question your convictions.

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