What is Ana Brenda Contreras’s Personality Type?

You are a reflective and philosophical person. You are drawn to difficult problems and enjoy solving them. You are cautious and independent, and have a deep well of stamina and endurance. You are sensitive and vulnerable, and avoid superficial human contact as much as possible. You have a strong desire for passion and deep feelings, and are drawn to kindred spirits. You are able to express your feelings and release long pent-up urges, but it is important for you to succeed, because if your emotions are deprived of the energy to obtain a release, your personality will become mired in a bog of unconscious repressed desires and frustrated yearnings.

You have a psychic’s sensitive and emotive personality. You are suggestible and fairly easily influenced, generally friendly and cheerful, but sometimes evanescent. Your temperament is sometimes passive due to a lack of pugnacity, and you are often reserved and perhaps even timid in unfamiliar surroundings. Conversely, you can be expansive and garrulous in more reassuring settings. At times, you feel guilty about your passivity, and to rid yourself of it, you try to make yourself useful to others. The same guilt feelings may help you redirect yourself, overcome your inferiority complex, and find new faith in yourself. In relation to others, you’re receptive, intuitive, and exhibit an almost extrasensory perceptiveness and ability to listen; your broad mind and flexibility inspire respect and esteem. Combined with these, your native warm-heartedness and fairness will bring you social recognition and success, as well as the possibility to find self-fulfillment by instigating some valuable action.

Ana Brenda Contreras has high social aspirations. She believes that by gaining total control of her intellect, feelings, and instincts, she can achieve them.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Pisces (the Fish), while the sun was passing through the sign of Capricorn (the Goat). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension: Emotionalism – Guile – Pliancy – Need for security – Humbleness and reserve – Inhibition – Idealism – Application – Methodical mind – Intuition – Forethought – Premonition – Loyalty.

From the outside, you appear cautious and severe, but inside, you are sensitive and giving. Because you are excessively impressionable, you are reluctant to express your true self. You hide your deepest impulses behind a mask of distance and remoteness, feigning indifference if not faint-heartedness. However, you are deceiving mainly yourself. Your powers of concentration and determination, your great ability to control yourself, and the analytical and interpretative qualities of your mind are important assets. If you develop them, you will have the potential to accomplish great things.

Ana Brenda Contreras was born on the seventh to the tenth day after the full moon rose. As a result, her personality is independent and self-sufficient. Her ideas are original and often bold, but, to her dismay, they don’t often garner a majority of followers. Her sense of humor is her best communications tool, but she often switches to a more severe tone which breaks her charm over her audience, and her methods don’t always please the masses. Her lack of flexibility hinders her strategies and projects, and she would gain by developing her sense of diplomacy and tact. Although she’s not unduly attached to success, because she’s so used to being ahead of her time, her failures take a psychological toll on her. Because each setback wears her down a little more, she should try to avoid further disappointments by conforming to contemporary reality a little more closely.

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