What is Violet Chachki’s Personality Type?

Your personality is oriented around your thoughts and intellect. You understand and relate to the world around you by thinking and reasoning. You like to remember things, compare things, and analyze things. You prefer speaking verbally or writing to communicate with other people. Your eloquence, wit, and charm are your main strengths, but they can also be your weaknesses if you use them too much or if you are not careful. You have a lot of energy and you like to use it in many different ways. You can be very gregarious and sociable, and you make friends quickly. Your contacts and networks are important to you because they help you to evolve. They are also important to you because they provide you with self-fulfillment and identification. You sometimes amuse yourself by acting out roles in life, just for fun. However, your adaptability can be a double-edged sword. You can be unstable and wishy-washy, and you can’t be determined or coherent in your thoughts. You also have a lot of sensitivity, but you sometimes control or suppress your emotions. However, you should learn that the intellect is not always right, especially when it comes to instincts. You have a complex inner world, and sometimes you feel vulnerable because of it. You rely on your adaptability and agility to get out of trouble, but you can sometimes make questionable compromises with yourself. You must overcome your weaknesses of instability, wishy-washiness, lack of determination, and incoherence in your thoughts.

Violet Chachki thrives in the peace and security of the nest. Her spouse and family will be an important part of her life.

Violet Chachki fancies herself as a very independent person, but she finds that she’s always feeling the need to be part of a group. Friendship and membership in groups are essential to her personal fulfillment.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Virgo (the Virgin), while the sun was passing through the sign of Gemini (The Twins). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Modesty – Need for contact – Analytical thought – Mental agitation – Strict logic – Frivolity – Attention to detail – Dilettantism – Perfectionism – Immaturity – Anxiety and worry – Communication – Nervousness – Inner duality. The need for movement in change is the chief characteristic of your quick and mercurial personality. You are endowed with intelligence and rapid understanding, capable of assimilating new information speedily and efficiently. But you tend to be somewhat unfocused and easily distracted. As you seek meaning and continuity for your life, you will be solving these problems. To progress toward self-improvement, you will have to develop your ability to concentrate, and learn to prevent outside influences from distracting you. Increased attention to method and organization will yield many benefits.

Born in the three and one-half days before the full moon rose, you are said to be a lunar type with a rich, complex personality. You sometimes struggle with the feeling that you are lacking something, but a sense of devotion will be important to you as a foundation for your inner and outer development. If you don’t find a great and noble cause to which you are willing to pledge yourself, you could always make do with a person whose aura and magnetism attract you. Whatever you decide, it is by working to serve a cause or another person that you will approach your own self-transformation.

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