What is TheOdd1sOut’s Personality Type?

TheOdd1sOut is a practical mover-doer. Their personality has no room for utopian ideals or mirages. When all systems are go, their inner strength and stamina will drive them straight to the heart of the material world with no detours or mistakes. They then become the quintessential creator and producer. They create out of love for the phenomenon of creation on every level. Although their innate sense of matter, their earthiness, may sometimes confine them to the material plane, it also endows them with the power to give substance to their intuitions. Their material possessions embody their spirit. They are a person of conviction. They believe in their action; they have faith in their approach. Striding purposefully ahead, they go even farther, more effectively. They are aware they have a job to carry out; they know their duty is to create and construct.

As a result, it is important for them to be deeply implicated in their career and to feel as though they are really accomplishing a goal that is important to them. They are coherent and pragmatic, and their life and mind are carefully organized. Improvisation is not their forte; on the contrary, they tend to plan out their work in advance, stick to the plan obstinately, and pace themselves carefully. This tendency may strike others as being somewhat plodding and slow.

But the opinion of others means little to them; they judge themselves on the basis of the fruit of their labor. Their accomplishments arouse their pride and possessiveness, since they view them as evidence of their worth. However, the work ethic so prevalent in our society is deeply ingrained in them. Merely by slogging on with their duty, they achieve such personal rewards and satisfactions as the knowledge that their potency never flickers; their inner virility and ability to follow through are steady, sure, and irresistible. The only drawback is that their earthiness and stubbornness may confine their interests to somewhat low horizons. Their capacity for work is related to a capacity for self-devotion. They are able to give their entire being to a great cause, to devote themselves body and soul, with all the might and conscientiousness they possess, if they believe the goal to be their ultimate purpose. Their initial problem is to find the cause they will make their purpose in life, because if they were to err, if they wandered into the trap of a bad cause fraught with risk, they would suffer a terrible setback.

Therefore, the essential value which will define their life and destiny is the fruit of a long ripening process, a slow, gradual deliberation, the opposite of an impulse. If their purpose in life were to elude them, they would be tempted by indulgence and apathy. Their taste for sensual pleasures like good food and drink might then take over, depriving them of maturity and fulfillment, and, ultimately, their vital potency. But, don’t worry, this is pure conjecture!

TheOdd1sOut yearns for a purpose in life, even faraway or abstract.

TheOdd1sOut has a strong personality; they are sometimes a little self-centered. Their fate is in their own hands!

At the time of TheOdd1sOut’s birth, their rising sign was located in Scorpio (the Scorpion), while the sun was passing through the sign of Taurus (the Bull). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide TheOdd1sOut’s personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of their character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Pugnacity – Charisma – Opposition to progress – Dignity – Compassion – Shrewdness – Perseverance – Concentration – Pragmatism – Optimism – Productivity – Common sense – Luxury.

Because of their uncompromising and steadfast nature and fierce determination to succeed in satisfying their needs and ambitions, TheOdd1sOut are the type of person who will not give up until they have reached whatever goal they set for themselves.

A realist with a somewhat skeptical and pragmatic bent, TheOdd1sOut do not start anything until after they have carefully prepared. Their sense of productivity and organizational skills should enable them to accumulate a whole series of accomplishments. But they might want to work on controlling their pride in order to achieve full moral and spiritual harmony.

Born in the three days prior to the new moon’s appearance, TheOdd1sOut is said to be of the “balsamic moon” type. This soli-lunar configuration gives them a spiritualistic character closely attached to generous humanitarian ideals. They are sometimes sorely tried to limit themselves to the narrow scope of individual ambition.

Indeed, they aim for a humanitarian ideal which would include the outcasts and the unfortunate. They fervently hope the meek will inherit the earth. To bring about this ideal, they are likely to seize every resource placed at their disposal: physical effort, money (if they have it), speech, their writings, and their poetic or artistic talents. However, they should be wary of their unconscious guilt feelings.

Actually, there is no reason for them to devote themselves to their mission entirely; a simple daily effort should suffice to express their philosophy and free their conscience. Usually, the three days preceding the new moon will be time in the monthly lunar cycle most favorable to their activities and their general energy level.

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