What is Joel Birch’s Personality Type?

You are a rational thinker who is drawn to exploring complex issues. You are introverted, but your strong sense of duty and desire for independence makes you a fierce advocate for your beliefs. You are interested in the spiritual realm, and your quest for understanding and identity has led you to study ideologies and theories deeply. You are wary of the outer world, but your appetite for knowledge and understanding makes you a formidable critic. You are also drawn tomountain climbing, because it is a physical challenge that requires perseverance and stamina. You have a deep sensitivity and are often vulnerable to emotional impulses, but you are also able to resist and overcome obstacles. You are attracted to deep, passionate relationships, but you are cautious about getting too involved in frivolous affairs. You are a deep thinker who is able to compartmentalize your life and work on complex problems for long periods of time. You are also able to be quite flexible and open to change, which makes you a very adaptable person. You are a very persistent and shrewd thinker, and your stamina and endurance are among your most valuable assets. However, you must be careful not to become too rigid or intolerant. You also have a deep sensitivity and are very vulnerable to emotional impulses, which can sometimes get the better of you. You must learn to express your feelings and let go of old inhibitions in order to achieve your goals.

Joel Birch yearns for a purpose in life, even faraway or abstract.

Joel Birch needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Pisces (the Fish), while the sun was passing through the sign of Capricorn (the Goat). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Emotionalism – Guile – Pliancy – Need for security – Humbleness and reserve – Inhibition – Idealism – Application – Methodical mind – Intuition – Forethought – Premonition – Loyalty.

From the outside, you appear cautious and severe, but inside, you are sensitive and giving. Because you are excessively impressionable, you are reluctant to express your true self. You hide your deepest impulses behind a mask of distance and remoteness, feigning indifference if not faint-heartedness. However, you are deceiving mainly yourself. Your powers of concentration and determination, your great ability to control yourself, and the analytical and interpretative qualities of your mind are important assets. If you develop them, you will have the potential to accomplish great things.

Joel Birch was born on the day before the new moon. He is said to be of the “balsamic moon” type, which means that he has a spiritualistic character and is attached to generous humanitarian ideals. He is sometimes sorely tried to limit himself to the narrow scope of individual ambition, but he aims for a humanitarian ideal which would include the outcasts and the unfortunate. He fervently hopes the meek will inherit the earth. Joel Birch usually fares best during the three days preceding the new moon, when he is in his most energetic and favorable mood.

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