Jeremiah Duggar practices restraining his emotions, striving to learn how to control them. Although it is not an easy task, he wants to be able to tolerate stress and remain strong through patience, endurance, and stamina. He is the most aware of the importance of a strong base in order to take effective action.
Jeremiah Duggar is sensitive and has a contradictory personality. His sensitivity is in conflict with his determination, which makes his attitude and performance moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. He usually has the feeling that he has to make superhuman efforts to succeed and assuage his yearnings, but his unconscious sensitive side often disapproves of his conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage his plans. In his relationships, Jeremiah builds up and projects contradictory images on the other, which could be pleasing and positive at the same time, but it could also annoy him.
Jeremiah Duggar likes to be surrounded by people and experiences. He enjoys learning new things and talking to people. He is curious and wants to know as much as he can. He is a good conversationalist and loves to be around people. He sometimes has trouble staying focused, but he is always learning. Jeremiah Duggar is a talented and smart person who loves to be around people.
Because you derive your sense of self-identity from your early experiences, you develop an individualistic outlook quickly. Your first taste of freedom may have led you to challenge the education and values you received from your family and social class, and you were able to forge your own unique personality and philosophy. Your relationships are usually free of conflict, because you are able to reconcile your need for independence with your desire for affection. However, your partners should be open and lively people, able to keep up with you in your rapid evolution. You have an inspired and lively wit and a keen interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. You would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although you are an individualist, you have a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and improve its development.
Jeremiah Duggar is sensitive and imaginative, and has trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although his imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive in matters concerning earning a decent living. In a relationship, Jeremiah is extremely romantic, and does not always see others the way they really are. He has elegant tastes, and art and beauty are one of his chief pleasures in life.
Jeremiah Duggar is a complicated relationship partner. His sensitivity and emotions are often in conflict with his instincts, which makes him a fairly complicated relationship partner. His behavior sometimes strikes others as mysterious or baffling. He is liable to switch from one attitude to the opposite. Sexuality is an important part of his life and his relationships are most often motivated by his desires. Nevertheless, due to his unconscious inner battle, he does not often succeed in reconciling and fulfilling his emotional and sexual needs. Due to the strength of his instincts, passion may overwhelm him and drag him into situations he cannot always control, which intermingle erotic ecstasy and anguish, guilt, and aggressiveness.
Jeremiah Duggar is afraid to love. His emotions are characterized by a certain chill and restraint, and he is not unfeeling; on the contrary, his sensitivity is so delicate that he is careful to protect it. His determination to maintain control of his feelings and force his emotions to obey the laws of reason may stand in the way of intimacy and joy.
Jeremiah Duggar’s birth chart indicates that he has an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of his emotional urges and somewhat wary of his feelings, he tries to rid himself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.
Jeremiah Duggar is a sensitive and intelligent man who is a mixture of cheerfulness and melancholy, of shallowness and depth. He protects his sensitivity with irony and is always trying to keep control of himself. It is difficult for him to yield entirely to love, because he fears the power of his emotions. He needs an atmosphere of merriment and movement in which to thrive; otherwise, he may feel stifled, in a relationship with a person who is too old or too dull and down-to-earth for him.
Jeremiah Duggar switches between sudden desires and equally sudden repulsions, overwhelming elation followed by a depressing sensation of disgust. Always ready to commit himself body and soul, his pain is deep and enduring when he realizes that he made a mistake and needs to get out. This is a recurring theme in his youthful relationships. Maturity will help him to resolve his inner conflicts – desire is not the same as ambition, letting go doesn’t mean losing yourself – and to find balance in relationships.
Jeremiah Duggar is characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.
Jeremiah Duggar is hypersensitive and tends to relive the anxieties, apprehensions, and romantic absolutes of his first love relationships, which occurred around the ages of 13-14 years or 20-21 years. He is exquisitely sensitive, but almost completely barricaded behind a layer of aloofness. He will not settle for anything less than eternal commitment, total harmony, and absolute loyalty. He is sometimes presumed to be cold, even by those close to him. He usually hides his emotional reactions or does not even allow them to reach the level of his consciousness, in an effort to protect his sensitivity, which he sees as his weak point. He is fairly vulnerable, even in the intimacy of a stable and established relationship. Usually, he will disguise his strong feelings as a kind of possessiveness or even jealousy. Certain misfortunes may arouse a negative emotional state inside him, and he feels unworthy of the love which is lavished on him. This psychological prohibition which rules over all of his desires and affects should loosen with the passage of time; likewise, his fear of approaching the other will diminish. As a result, the second part of his romantic life will be more rewarding. In any case, if you want to experience a harmonious love relationship and gratify yourself emotionally, the defense mechanisms you have elaborated to make yourself inaccessible to others will have to be dismantled.
Jeremiah Duggar has a romantic imagination, soaring with idealism, dreams, and poetry. He is emotive and hypersensitive, making him especially vulnerable emotionally, since he is sometimes overwhelmed by his feelings and affects. Although he seeks an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom he could maintain blissful, smooth relations, he is sometimes met with disillusionment. Because his rather excessive sensitivity and his need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge his judgment and discernment, so he sometimes forms extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When he meets someone, he falls under the enchantment of his dream of ideal love and cannot keep himself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, he yields to another of his characteristic urges and loses himself in the individual who is so dear to him, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find himself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, his psyche is constructed in such a way as to make his sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before he takes on any major commitments, he should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates his intense love, for he may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. His tendency to believe in his illusions may mark him as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for him to find a different object for his affections, or a form of sublimation, because he tends to be so disappointed by his great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of his imagination procure artistic refinement for him, and he loves the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because his sensitivity also makes it easy for him to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties his peers are struggling with, he might also find it rewarding to commit himself to social work.
Jeremiah Duggar was more theoretical than logical and more intuitive than rational when it came to matters of the world. He found himself drawn to wide open spaces and distant horizons, which was in line with his scholarly pursuits as a scholar of philosophy or law. However, he was also interested in foreign languages and contacts abroad, which made him a well-rounded individual.
Jeremiah Duggar express their thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. They are fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, they look forward to a bright future but are sometimes subjective and reckless.
Jeremiah Duggar has a lively and agile spirit. He is curious and open-minded, approaching various life experiences with an attitude free of dogmatism and prejudice. As a result of his great mental vitality, Jeremiah tends to have an opinion on every subject, but he does not always have the patience necessary to examine a subject in-depth. He enjoys manipulating expressions and concepts and amuse himself with witty remarks, satire, and controversy. If Jeremiah learned to control his flow of words and elaborate his thoughts more, he could make a talented communicator. Because Jeremiah is often too hasty to formulate and construct the arguments which would back up and inform his ideas, he is sometimes misunderstood. He is often blind to the rashness of his judgments and convinced they are well-founded and objective, which sometimes irritates the people around him. If Jeremiah were to succeed in disciplining his mind somewhat, he would have innumerable opportunities to apply his communications skills to a great career. However, he would do well to be careful of his nerves.
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