What is Gilbert Croes’s Personality Type?

Gilbert Croes resides in a world of thought and intellect. He is naturally gregarious and sociable, making friends quickly and easily. His contacts and networks are important to him, because they enable him to evolve. He is a source of self-fulfillment and identification. Any form of play is also important to him, and only severe depression will deprive him of his playfulness. Gilbert Croes also has a talent for improvisation and adaptation, but he is liable to find himself in a superficial bind, having jettisoned certain important ideas in order to move about more freely. He is also sensitive, but his emotions and feelings are sometimes subject to the scrutiny and censorship of his intellect. Thus, he cannot free himself to the strength of great passions and energies without idealizing them to a certain degree and giving them intellectual resonance. Wary of his irrational instincts and urges, he tends to control or repress them.

Due to the influence of Virgo rising, Gilbert Croes has a personality that is ruled by reason. His intellectual functions tend to predominate over his emotional or sentimental impulses. His mind, which is analytical and critical, is naturally questioning and skeptical; he has great faith in rational positivism and strives to be pragmatic. He has a considerable potential for accomplishment. Although others generally appreciate his conscientious, scrupulous conduct, his devotion to others and realism, they might be critical of his meek behavior and tendency to overthink. Indeed, he is so meticulous that he often “cannot see the forest for the trees” and may fret and worry unnecessarily over tiny details.

Gilbert Croes needs movement. He is a talented communicator.

Gilbert Croes observed that you tended to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests you more than what is right at hand and realistic.

Gilbert Croes was born under the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, and during the time of your birth, the sun was passing through the sign of Gemini, the Twins. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Modesty – Need for contact – Analytical thought – Mental agitation – Strict logic – Frivolity – Attention to detail – Dilettantism – Perfectionism – Immaturity – Anxiety and worry – Communication – Nervousness – Inner duality.

Gilbert Croes was born on the night of a full moon between three and one-half and seven days after the rising of the moon. He is said to be a “shining moon” type, which gives him a shining personality that is apt to communicate and transmit ideas. Throughout his life, Gilbert will be attracted to the idea of acting as a spokesperson for a cause, idea, or person whose message seems essential to him. He will have to develop his powers of discernment to determine which subjects or people are really worth his personal commitment.

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