What does Fat Lever’s psychology tell us about them?

A serious, steadfast individual tries to stay grounded and strives for a higher social position. Their ambitions are strong and they will often retreat into solitude or introversion.

You are a person who tends to have a paternal complex. This means that you have trouble finding your identity and feeling secure. This can be because your father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during your childhood, which deprived you of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because you might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, you were forced to protect yourself against negative influences and find your own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to you as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with your evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber your mind or inhibit your developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, and you tend to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because your authoritarian urges are mainly directed at yourself rather than others, you sometimes feel guilty about your behavior. You judge yourself severely, and sometimes punishes yourself by setting difficult tasks for yourself. Gradually, you should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

Fat Lever has a great potential for creative, constructive accomplishments; however, it is sometimes difficult for him to gain access to this part of himself. He is confident in himself and life but may tend to be nonchalant. Sometimes he needs a little stimulation to get himself rolling and take some initiative. His optimism and inner certainty do not always drive him to give his utmost efforts to achieve a goal. The communications skills he possesses are an advantage as well as a handicap. He makes use of his theatrical gifts, convincing eloquence, and ability to listen. The best careers for him would be teaching, communications, philosophy, the legal profession, theater, and public relations.

Fat Lever is a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that their most precious basic values are freedom and independence. They have thrown off what they perceive as the burden of the convention and customs of their social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Their passionate convictions, bordering on proselytism, sometimes trouble their relationships, as they may be an uncompromising partner. They should learn to recognize their own limitations and accept the responsibilities they have to other people or they are liable to find themselves continually embroiled in conflicting relationships.

Fat Lever is a stout and burly man. He is hearty and robust, with a thick head of curly black hair. His eyes are deep set and his skin is dark. He is an imposing figure, and his presence is commanding. He is strong and willful, and he does not easily take no for an answer. He is not always the easiest person to get along with, but he is loyal and carefree. He is passionate about his work and his hobbies, and he is determined to make a mark in life. He is a natural leader, and he is highly skilled at taking charge. He is confident and self-assured, and he is not afraid to take risks. He is a hard worker, and he is always striving to improve himself. He is a serious individual, and he takes his responsibilities seriously. He is a loving and caring husband and father, and he is always there for his loved ones. He is a gentle and caring person, and he is always willing to help others. He is a sensitive and compassionate person, and he is deeply human. He is sociable and sincerely devoted to others, and his mother or a mother-figure had a strong influence on his psyche. His childhood was an important time in his life, and he still identifies with vivid childhood memories. However, he will thrive in the shelter of a family setting, soothed by the presence of a spouse and children. He is fond of security and routine; being somewhat impressionable and anxious, he may have trouble adjusting to situations which are unfamiliar.

Although your demeanor is cool and distant, you are extremely sensitive. In some cases, your rather austere and rigid behavior and your refusal to yield too readily to sentimentality discourage others from being too demonstrative of their tenderness and affection. You have spells of melancholy in which you do not feel worthy of being loved and tend to forbid yourself any emotional fulfillment whatsoever. Although your inner self is often at odds with the image your parents projected onto you as a child, the past is history, and you are now an adult. Through self-work, you can rid yourself of these phantoms. You have the ability to overcome your mistakes, as well as great endurance and will power to achieve your goals. Nevertheless, you must not repress your sensitivity in order to succeed.

Fat Lever struggles to muster the energy to face unfamiliar situations. Due to their need for security, they tend to limit the scope of their activities, and sometimes must struggle to muster the energy to face the world. They are more or less passive and have a strong urge to take refuge in the past.

In matters of the heart, Fat Lever is fairly shy, reserved, and discreet. Even in intimacy, she remains modest and does not always readily express her feelings. She’s sensitive and giving, wishing to be of service to those she loves. She would do well to trust that she deserves to be made as happy as she makes her partner.

The birth chart indicates that a function is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. The distrustful and somewhat wary Fat Lever tries to rid himself of all partiality and tries to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

According to the aforegoing, it appears that Fat Lever is more or less torn between different tendencies in his character. An inner conflict exists between his desire to shine and his need for attachment, between his social ambitions and his longings for security, between his natural selfishness and his altruism. As a result, he is likely to become attached to a prominent person he can be proud of. His own social position may disappoint him, but the satisfaction he derives from his loved ones or his children, should he choose to have them, will make up for his feeling he has lived vicariously.

Fat Lever prefers rational communication to sentimental exchanges. They are fairly dry and ironic, meticulous and hesitant, and they may delay their choice so long they remain single or settle for a bad match. A dedicated partner would be better for them than a fiery one.

You are the passionate lover with an ardent heart. When it comes to matters of the heart, you have a burning desire to be close to someone. Your personal charm and magnetic personality can be quite persuasive, but your attempts to conquer hearts can sometimes lack tact and delicacy. This can make it difficult for you to maintain long-term relationships, as your emotional behavior is often subject to a conflict between your need for love and your need to satisfy your lust. Outbursts of affection can create complicated situations in which love and lust can get confused, or love can exist without lust. This inner contradiction can be a sign of your tendency to derive pleasure from suffering– either your own or that of your partner. The relationship can thus become a setting for a power struggle, weakening it as a source of psychological equilibrium. However, you could sublimate this difficulty through artistic expression.

You are cautious and reserved, sometimes unwilling to open yourself to others if you are not sure of being accepted. You will always hang back somewhat from your emotional urges, parceling out your expressions of affection, because you have learned – sometimes at your expense – that even the most harmonious relationships require some compromise. For you, “good fences make good neighbors,” and well-marked boundaries can prevent future suffering. Thus, even when you are in love, you remain fairly circumspect. When you find yourself attracted to a partner, you privately engage in a careful analysis of their personality and life story, endeavoring to know them profoundly, to see whether you are likely to be able to share your life and future with them. As a result of your sensitivity, you have a profound affinity for all of the arts. Music, literature, painting, and graphic arts are likely to enrich your existence and make it pleasant. You could progress in any career in which balance, order, and practicality predominate.

You are emotive and hypersensitive, making you especially vulnerable emotionally, since you are sometimes overwhelmed by your feelings and affects. Although you seek an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom you could maintain blissful, smooth relations, you are sometimes met with disillusionment. Because your rather excessive sensitivity and your need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge your judgment and discernment, so you sometimes form extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When you meet someone, you fall under the enchantment of your dream of ideal love and cannot keep yourself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, you yield to another of your characteristic urges and lose yourself in the individual who is so dear to you, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find yourself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, your psyche is constructed in such a way as to make your sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before you take on any major commitments, you should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates your intense love, for you may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. Your tendency to believe in your illusions may mark you as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for you to find a different object for your affections, or a form of sublimation, because you tend to be so disappointed by your great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of your imagination procure artistic refinement for you, and you love the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because your sensitivity also makes it easy for you to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties your peers are struggling with, you might also find it rewarding to commit yourself to social work.

The Fat Lever rulerfully rules over its vital needs and its ability to communicate ideals and plot actions or strategies. It can be both logical and astute, and has gifts for theorizing but may sometimes lack perspective.

Fat Lever expresses their thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. They are fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, they look forward to a bright future but are sometimes subjective and reckless.

You have a lively and agile spirit. You are curious and open-minded, approaching various life experiences with an attitude free of dogmatism and prejudice. As a result of your great mental vitality, you tend to have an opinion on every subject, but you do not always have the patience necessary to examine a subject in-depth. You enjoy manipulating expressions and concepts and amuse yourself with witty remarks, satire, and controversy. If you learned to control your flow of words and elaborate your thoughts more, you could make a talented communicator. Because you are often too hasty to formulate and construct the arguments which would back up and inform your ideas, you are sometimes misunderstood. You are often blind to the rashness of your judgments and convinced they are well-founded and objective, which sometimes irritates the people around you. If you were to succeed in disciplining your mind somewhat, you would have innumerable opportunities to apply your communications skills to a great career. However, you would do well to be careful of your nerves.

In the formative years of childhood and adolescence, you may have undergone a conflicting situation which prevented you from developing your intellectual and imaginative faculties in a harmonious way. It may be somewhat difficult for you to integrate new ideas and concepts or to give your thought structure and coherence. You may have a distaste for study, which might require a great deal of effort for you. You could harbor feelings of insecurity that are so acute that they may undermine your will and therefore your ability to compete. However, if you overcame these emotions, you would see that you have plenty of marketable skills and that many satisfactory solutions to your feelings of ineptitude and inadequacy are within your reach. Because this psychological complex may be related to childhood or adolescent opposition to parental or academic authority, you may not readily accept people who represent law enforcement agencies or power as an adult. You may display some hostility or vindictiveness toward them as a matter of principle. You should sometimes be careful of what you say.

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