What does Ana Cozar’s psychology tell us about them?

Ana Cozar is devoted to marriage and friendship, but they often prove to be sources of conflict and disillusion.

You are sober and reserved and may even strike people as rigid and austere at times. Perhaps you were raised in an atmosphere of rigor and sobriety as a child, and, as a result, became an adult a little too fast. In any case, you quickly acquired a spirit of self-sufficiency and a strong sense of your personal dignity and worth. At work, you are skillful, meticulous, conscientious, and efficient, but your lack of self confidence and personal assurance hinder your decision-making skills. Although you would deserve a prominent executive position, you might refuse any that are offered due to your fear of being in the limelight. You are aware that early success is often short-lived and fragile and that time rewards those who are patient, which, in your case, is true. The psychological mechanisms described above are probably the result of a paternal complex. In childhood, your identity may have been too strongly attached to that of your father or a father figure, for one of the following reasons:- the bond with your father was too close,- your father was absent and/or idealized,- your father was too strict, etc.In any case, this psychological particularity can act either as a handicap or as an opportunity for the individual to overcome yourself. It will result in two groups of opposite but complementary reactions which will rule your behavior all your life:- hypersensitivity or insensitivity- intense life wish or discomfort with life- obsession or renunciation- skepticism or fanaticism- asceticism or lust- jealousy or indifference- effort or lazinessThe so-called “Saturnian” phases (at age 7, 14, 21, 28 or 29, and 35 years) will be transitional periods that give you an opportunity to resolve this complex in real life.

Ana Cozar prefers to follow a pre-established plan. Her behavior reflects this tendency. She will adopt relatively strict models that have been elaborated on the basis of logical or moral reasons. She does not readily express her personal feelings or emotions and may sometimes strike others as a rigid person. However, her conscientiousness and application make her thrive in a work environment, and she tends to treat social engagements and activities as a form of duty. Her natural taste for clarity, detail, and technique would make her successful as a scientific researcher or high-tech designer.

Because you were born with a lively, independent personality, you quickly developed an original and independent identity. Your first taste of liberty may have led you to challenge the education and values you received from your family and class tradition, and you were able to forge a strong, original personality and philosophy. Your relationships are usually free of conflict, because you are able to reconcile your need for independence with your desire for affection. However, your partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with you in your rapid evolution. You have an inspired and extremely lively wit and a brisk interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. You would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although you are an individualist, you have a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Ana Cozar perceives that you have a sensitive and imaginative nature, which can be a source of inspiration for your spiritual or creative growth, but can also lead to difficulty when it comes to understanding others and your own needs. In a relationship, Ana Cozar knows that you are extremely romantic and see things in a very idealistic way, sometimes overlooking the real needs of your partner.

Ana Cozar’s attractions are usually immediate and intense. They rise quickly to fever pitch. The story of these passions is often dramatic to excess, combining all the plot elements of a classic love tragedy: jealousy, possessiveness, agony as an erotic stimulant, etc.

Ana Cozar’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Ana Cozar is a fairly discrete and shy person who tends to stay on the sidelines. As they age, they take on more self-assurance and become skilled at hiding their feelings behind their gentleness. As a partner, Ana is extremely affable and quite knowledgeable about taking care of the people in their life.

Ana Cozar will have a strong sexual aura and considerable sway over other people, but this does not always imply love. Her feelings tend to be mysterious; for example, she may derive erotic fulfillment from anguish. She is attracted to sensual and complicated partners who draw her into tormented love affairs. A power struggle, or perhaps even a confrontation, may prove to be necessary in relationships where storms and recriminations will probably be inevitable.

Ana Cozar has the ardent, importunate nature of a fervent lover. Indeed, affairs of the heart are one of her main purposes in life. Her personal charm and magnetism are compellingly seductive; unfortunately, her attempts at conquest do not always lead to the fulfillment and satisfaction of her desires. Due to her impulsiveness and impatience to initiate new encounters, her approach to those she is attracted to may sometimes lack tact and delicacy. As a result of the foregoing, it may be somewhat difficult for her to maintain stable and harmonious relationships. Indeed, her emotional behavior is subject to a conflict between her quest for love and her need to satisfy her lust. Her outpourings of affection and her need to be loved in return sometimes create complicated situations in which lust may be confused with love, or love may exist without lust, and she may feel unrequited or unfulfilled. This inner contradiction is a sign of her tendency to derive pleasure from suffering – either her own or that of her partner. The relationship thus becomes the setting for a sort of power struggle, weakening it as a source of psychological equilibrium. Nevertheless, she could sublimate this difficulty through artistic expression.

Ana Cozar has a shrewd, inquisitorial mind. She always tries to detect the hidden mechanisms and processes behind the phenomena she observes. As a result, she has developed an ability to detect the truth behind appearances and the cause behind the effect. Although this way of thinking is based on a certain logic, and there is evidence of structure and cohesion in her deductive approach, it is not always purely intellectual. Indeed, its sources lie in a certain empiricism, in facts which have been experienced, so it is open to improvement. For this reason, her fields of application are highly diverse, although research in the hard sciences, psychology, and metaphysics seem to be the best career choices.

Ana Cozar tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. Her thoughts are usually structured, and her reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

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