What does Akemi Higashi’s psychology tell us about them?

Akemi Higashi often has difficulty expressing her confidence in herself, and tries to compensate for this weakness by insisting on her authority over others. With the people she is emotionally committed to, the same nagging feelings of insecurity prevent her from expressing her generosity and love fully; her extreme independence sometimes hides an inability to abandon herself and a lack of assurance.

Akemi Higashi has a paternal complex because she lacked a father or a father figure during her childhood. As a result, she developed a system to protect herself from negative influences. This system was very useful to her when she was a child, but it has now settled into a pattern that is interfering with her development. Akemi Higashi has authoritarian urges towards herself, but she also has urges towards others. She judges herself harshly and sometimes punishes herself by setting difficult tasks for herself. Akemi Higashi should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

Akemi Higashi’s personality and behavior are liable to be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes ruling her psyche. Because her sensitivity is in conflict with her determination, her attitude and performance may be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, she has the feeling she has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging her yearnings and fulfilling her ambitions. Her unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of her conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage her plans. In her relationships, the images she builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, also grates on her nerves. She finds it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

Akemi Higashi is vigorous and energetic. She has an immense need to assert her individuality and a strong determination. Her attitudes and actions are actually motivated by an unconscious desire for power. She puzzles the people close to her, who cannot understand whether her behavior is the result of pure selfishness or merely of an excess of energy. She is lively, alert, and determined, but she is too easily distracted from goals by futile competition or opportunities to exhibit her power. She has a short temper and must learn to control her impulsiveness, which might expose her to a great deal of unnecessary conflict.

Akemi Higashi

Akemi Higashi has a profound and fertile inner life and a prolific imagination, but her energy resources are not always sufficient to follow through on and accomplish her multitude of dreams. She tends to live in osmosis with her environment, and effort and action take a heavy toll on her. Usually, she understands phenomena and events intuitively, without really making any effort; so she is not in the habit of disciplining or shaping her thought processes. Like her thoughts, her personality is rather amorphous and disorganized. As a result of this lack of structure, she may have some trouble asserting her individuality and making some personal contribution to society through her career. Her tendency to shut out reality and dream impossible dreams, like her refusal of responsibility and duty, may be a source of some difficulty for her.

Akemi Higashi is a deeply sensitive and human person. She is sociable and devoted to others, and her childhood influenced her psyche greatly. She still identifies with vivid memories from her childhood; these memories are the basis for her reveries, for her extreme sensitivity, and for habits which she may be slow to break. However, she will thrive in the shelter of a family setting, soothed by the presence of a spouse and children. She is fond of security and routine, and may have difficulty adjusting to situations which are unfamiliar.

Akemi Higashi has an intellect that is lively, agile, and sensitive. However, she does not always avail herself of it and may be confused or irrational in some situations. Although she enjoys playing with words, ideas, and concepts, her thought sometimes lacks discipline and structure. She is fairly preoccupied with details and may tend to waste her nervous and mental energy in futile verbal outpourings. Moreover, her feelings sometimes blur her objective vision of phenomena and people, which may cause her to make errors in judgment.

Akemi Higashi has a sensitive and affectionate nature. She seeks tenderness and gentleness more than passion. Her relationships with others are smooth and pleasant, and she has a natural sense of tact and social grace.

Akemi Higashi was born into a traditional family, but she quickly realized her individuality and began to forge her own path. She was able to challenge the education and values she received from her family and class tradition, and she developed a strong, original personality and philosophy. Her relationships are usually free of conflict, because she is able to reconcile her need for independence with her desire for affection. However, her partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with her in her rapid evolution. Akemi Higashi has an inspired and extremely lively wit and a brisk interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. She would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although she is an individualist, she has a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Akemi Higashi experiences difficulty distinguishing dreams from reality. Although her imaginative powers provide an abundance of inspiration for spiritual and creative evolution, they can be less helpful and positive when it comes to her self-assertion and independence. In a relationship, she is extremely romantic and may not see others the way they really are.

Akemi Higashi’s sensitivity and emotions are sometimes in conflict with her instincts. This inner discord makes her a fairly complicated relationship partner, and her behavior sometimes strikes others as mysterious or baffling. She is liable to switch from one attitude to the opposite. Sexuality is an important part of her life, and her relationships are most often motivated by her desires. Nevertheless, due to her unconscious inner battle, she does not often succeed in reconciling and fulfilling her emotional and sexual needs. Due to the strength of her instincts, passion may overwhelm her and drag her into situations she cannot always control, which intermingle erotic ecstasy and anguish, guilt, and aggressiveness.

Akemi Higashi has a sensual and affectionate nature which is sensitive to physical attraction. This type of sensitivity, combined with her productive urges, may be expressed in an artistic form. As for her feelings, they are usually slow to take root. But once she is conquered by love, she forms a deep and lasting bond. Although she is loyal, she may also display a tendency to be somewhat possessive.

Akemi Higashi’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Akemi Higashi appears to be torn between two different sides of her nature. Her desire to impress conflicts with her attachment to the nest; her social ambitions contradict her need for security; and her natural self-focus is hard to reconcile with her altruism. It is likely that she will marry a prominent person – one she can be proud of. Her own social position may disappoint her, but her family will give her satisfactions she missed out on.

Akemi Higashi holds the love of her life in high regard. But in reality, she is easily dazzled by people who soon turn out to be pretentious and proud, full of self-importance and with little concern for her feelings. If she wants to change this pattern of failed relationships, she must realize that her own vanity is a factor. She would also do well to learn that pride and love don’t go together.

Akemi Higashi has an ardent and amorous character, and her relationships are enlivened by intensity and passion. A charmer perpetually engaged in a quest for the ideal love, she is often more in love with the idea of love than with a partner. As a result, her love life may be subject to some instability. She is generally attracted to original people who defy norms, standards, and classifications, and expect them to amaze and fascinate her. Her greatest contradictions surface when an intimate relationship is established. Although she merges her ego entirely into the couple, she is likely to demand a total autonomy and liberty which are inimical to intimacy. If her partner charms and captivates her long enough, there is some possibility that they will form a more solid bond with her; otherwise, she is likely to yield to her need for novelty and fall under the spell of an entirely different person who exerts a new kind of charm for her. Midlife may be a turning point for her from this point of view. Her contradictory attitude may in some ways hide a compulsion to reject and deny the bonds of dependency inherent to a love relationship. Her behavior enables her to remain aloof, to commit herself only halfway without consciously admitting it to herself, and to avoid feeling guilty if and when she loses interest. An insatiable appetite for novelty and exaltation sometimes keeps her from forming stable relationships. Indeed, she is tormented by the struggle between her undeniable need for affection and an equally imperious desire for personal progress and emancipation. As a result of this inner turmoil, her romantic aspirations are usually sabotaged sooner or later by her conviction that her partner has become an obstacle to her individual progress. Because she thinks of love as a restraint, she may even eventually consciously refuse any emotional approach to love interests. As an ascetic, she will try to deflect the love function from its natural target and use the energy and bliss it generates for other purposes, the process psychologists call sublimation. However, she is also likely to meet “the one” who inspires her to initiate a change in her behavior.

You are an enigmatic individual, full of hidden depths. You can be quite withdrawn and emotionally distant, but on the inside you are a complex and fascinating person. You sometimes feel vulnerable and emotional, so you try to control your own feelings and impulses as well as those of your partners. You aspire to a deep and lasting spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning yourself terrifies you. This anguish can lead to slightly extreme behavior patterns and a self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because you are guarded and secretive, you tend to be suspicious and uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although you are fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, you are likely to express your feelings only under pressure. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats, which usually serve as erotic provocation. This tendency to derive eroticism from anxiety is one of the fundamental characteristics of your emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, you are likely to be attracted to stormy and complicated relationships.

Akemi Higashi is an intuitive thinker. She does not reason things out through a long, articulate, logical discourse; instead, she seize the visions or insights that spontaneously flash into her consciousness. She thus has a form of immediate knowledge of various phenomena which is based neither on reasoning nor on any elaborate thought process or method. As a result, if she is an extrovert, she will possess an inventive, innovative spirit gifted for improvisation. If she is an introvert, her mind will be an abundant source of personal inner truths.

Akemi Higashi thinks carefully before voicing her opinions, preferring to mull things over in her head before coming to a decision. She is more extroverted than introverted, and is more likely to rely on the opinions of others than come up with her own solutions. She’s mistrustful of traditional thought processes, and her opinions are often very personal.

Akemi Higashi has an intellectual intellect and wit. However, because she is oriented inward, she rarely tries to communicate with others. She sometimes feels misunderstood and finds it difficult to express the complexity of her inner perceptions.

Akemi Higashi has a structured mind and penetrating intelligence. However, her thought processes tend to be somewhat plodding. This slow pace may be the consequence of some failure or humiliation during her formative years. She is fairly inhibited and pessimistic and tends to doubt in herself and her intellectual skills despite her undeniable gifts as a thinker. She should become aware that her thought patterns and habits are the sign that she is on the brink of a really big breakthrough which will give her an understanding of the complexity of things and phenomena; however, it will take time and effort. Her mind is deep and accurate and is attracted by the essence of things and their fundamental structure. As a result, she is particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Her contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. Whatever career she chooses, she should learn to work alone, because she tends to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. She will also have to learn to conquer her impatience, because she tends to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Moreover, a lack of self-confidence could cause her to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, she should find the courage to question her convictions.

Akemi Higashi has a great deal of intuition but sometimes has problems organizing her thought processes and making an intellectual commitment. The concepts of boundary and structure are inimical to her mind, which is open and all-encompassing, premonitory, and web-like. Her thoughts may be verbally indeterminate, vague, and ill defined. She tends to understand or sense things globally, without always noticing their component parts. Usually, she can’t see the trees for the forest. In daily life, although her perceptions are lively and subtle, she may display a kind of absent-mindedness, out of a fear of annoying people with her shrewdness or of fighting to assert herself. Her imagination sometimes escapes from the confines of logic, cringing from a confrontation with reality. This unwillingness to face the real world may cause relationship or career challenges.

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