If you really want to improve and transform yourself, the first step is to become aware of your weaknesses which may be holding you back and preventing your evolution. Overweening ego, need to show off, aggressiveness, and excesses are all possible weaknesses that may be preventing your growth. Becoming aware of them is the first step in correcting them.
You sometimes sense a conflict between your desire for social and professional success and your need for a stable, secure domestic life. You are deeply committed to both ideas and do not always succeed in reconciling their schedules and demands on you. Sometimes it feels as though you will never be able to find a balance. However, no job promotion will really satisfy you if you have neglected your most intimate needs and desires. Although it sometimes seems easier to you to climb the rungs of the career ladder out there in the real world, if you merely sacrifice your domestic life, you are only trying to fool yourself. You should accept the fact that your domestic life is the true basis and foundation of your development. All your career endeavors and success will be even more rewarding if they are supported by a safe, warm personal life.
Adam Rodriguez can be hypersensitive and easily offended, although he frequently changes his opinion and doesn’t hold a grudge. He abhors conflict and is a good listener. His key to self-improvement will be learning to control his impressionability.
Adam Rodriguez obeys a drive to live and accomplish his purpose in an intense and immediate way. Whenever he encounters direct resistance, he might find himself beset by frustration. If the resistance lasts, he may eventually be overwhelmed by anxiety, nervous tension, and discouragement. In addition, he has the ability to focus his strength and leadership potential on problems which require immediate solutions. His lack of patience and persistence may spur problems.
Your birth chart is a map of the sky at the moment you were born. Download the Sun Signs app to find out how the planets’ positions influence your life.