What is Will Forte’s Personality Type?

Your personality is open-minded and oriented towards understanding the world around you. You use your memory, analysis, and verbalization of your thoughts to understand and relate to the world. You enjoy expanding your personality by learning about new ideas and people, and find fulfillment in communicating with others. However, your use of language and your ability to express yourself symbolically can also be your downfall if not used properly. You are naturally sociable and make friends quickly, and your contacts and networks are important to you. You enjoy playing any role that comes your way, and improvisation and adaptation are important to you. However, you can be easily swayed by your emotions, and your intellect can often control or suppress your instincts. You must learn to trust your instincts and use your intelligence to control them. You are also sensitive, but your emotions and feelings are often subject to your intellect’s scrutiny.

Will Forte needs movement. He is a talented communicator.

Forte tends to live in an imaginary world; the distant and abstract sometimes interests him more than what is right at hand and realistic.

Will Forte, at the time of your birth, had the rising sign of Virgo, while the sun was passing through the sign of Gemini, known as the twins. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provided your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Modesty – Need for contact – Analytical thought – Mental agitation – Strict logic – Frivolity – Attention to detail – Dilettantism – Perfectionism – Immaturity – Anxiety and worry – Communication – Nervousness – Inner duality.

Born on the morning of the third day before the full moon, you are said to be a gibbous moon lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration gives you a rich, complex personality, although you are sometimes troubled by the feeling you are struggling to do something great. Indeed, a feeling that you are lacking something may preoccupy you until you find a spiritual or humanitarian cause worthy of your devotion. Devotion will be important to you as a foundation for your inner and outer development. If you fail to encounter a great and noble cause to which you are willing to pledge yourself, you could always make do with a person whose aura and magnetism attract you. Whatever you decide, it is by working to serve a cause or another person that you will approach your own self-transformation.

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