You are a very intuitive person who is able to understand people and situations very well. You are able to see the essence of people and things, and this makes you very good at socializing. You are also very flexible and able to blend in with other people and situations. You have a strong sense of the group and are willing to sacrifice your own ego to protect the group. You can sometimes be seen as unreliable or untrustworthy, but this is mostly because you are opportunistic and disloyal. You also have a lack of self-assertiveness, which can make you difficult to deal with when making decisions based on superficial factors. Additionally, you have a natural tendency to find common ground with people, which can make it difficult to stand up for yourself when necessary. However, you are skilled at making peace and are a very effective diplomat. Overall, you are a very successful social person who thrives on relationships and friendships. You have a strong code of ethics which reconciles societal norms and your personal values. You need to be recognized and feel important, which is why you are often attracted to relationships with people who have a lot of power or prestige. However, you are also content with a few short-term relationships that are full of love and appreciation. You are a very emotional person, and the encounter with a kindred spirit can be a very transformational event in your life.
Ty Pennington is sensual. Pleasure is important to him.
Ty Pennington derives great rewards from every source of pleasure or creation (physical, artistic, or emotional). He has a penchant for speculation.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Sagittarius (the Archer), while the sun was passing through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Sociability – Enthusiasm – Adaptability – Group spirit – Emotionality – Impressionability – Tolerance – Analytical mind – Peaceful disposition – Worldly concerns – Sense of harmony – Projection – Worldliness.
Deeply social and liberal-minded, you have a great sense of diplomacy and a gift for reconciling differing viewpoints. Friendly and willing to be of service, you are unable to refuse an appeal for help, and your courtesy can tend toward a certain sentimentalism. As a result, you commit yourself to too many people at the same time, and may sometimes feel spread too thin.
As an artist or student of art, you have a profound sense of beauty (harmony, rhythm, composition, associations and juxtapositions, etc.). You like your independence, but will nevertheless bow to custom and usage in good grace. Your sense of fairness and justice is keen, and you spontaneously take up the cause of the defenseless.
Born on the third day before the full moon, you have a unique personality that is influenced by your lunar sign. Because you are a soli-lunar, you have a strong personality that is often troubled by the feeling that you are not doing enough. However, if you find a worthy cause to devote yourself to, you will be able to develop your inner and outer capabilities. Devotion will be important to you as you work to improve yourself, and you will find that by serving others you will reach your own goals.
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