What does Emma Stauffer’s psychology tell us about them?

Emma Stauffer sensed that she had instincts which may be dangerous, and she tried to restrain and control them. As a result, she may adopt a fairly ascetic lifestyle. Her attitude, which denied the vital importance of the most archaic and darkest forces within her, was not entirely innocuous. If she hoped for a more harmonious development, she will do well to realize that instincts can be tamed; they do not react positively to being trampled.

Emma Stauffer’s personality and behavior are liable to be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes ruling her psyche. Because her sensitivity is in conflict with her determination, her attitude and performance may be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, she has the feeling she has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging her yearnings and fulfilling her ambitions. Her unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of her conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage her plans. In her relationships, the images she builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, also grates on her nerves. She finds it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

Emma Stauffer is affectionate by nature, and love plays a decisive and central role in her life. She is a charmer who needs to love and be loved. Aware of her personal magnetism and the power it gives her, she will make subtle changes in herself in order to attract positive attention. She is sophisticated and pleased to savor a lifestyle she sees as a consummate art.

Emma Stauffer has a profound and fertile inner life and a prolific imagination, but her energy resources are not always sufficient to follow through on and accomplish her multitude of dreams. She tends to live in osmosis with her environment, and effort and action take a heavy toll on her. Usually, she understands phenomena and events intuitively, without really making any effort; so she is not in the habit of disciplining or shaping her thought processes. Like her thoughts, her personality is rather amorphous and disorganized. As a result of this lack of structure, she may have some trouble asserting her individuality and making some personal contribution to society through her career. Her tendency to shut out reality and dream impossible dreams, like her refusal of responsibility and duty, may be a source of some difficulty for her.

Emma Stauffer values freedom and independence. She expends a great deal of energy to ensure that her private life expresses these values. To avoid being tied down, she tends to be skittish when it comes to any profound involvement in a relationship. As a consequence, she might intellectualize her emotions and feelings and feel as though she can live more easily on friendship than on love. Extremely socially-minded but idealistic, she almost certainly feels an affinity with the ideals of some social reform movement. Her imagination looks to the future.

Emma Stauffer has a lively and curious intelligence, the very opposite of empty rhetoric and studiousness. She is agile and adaptable and can not only analyze difficult situations objectively but also demonstrate a profound comprehension when faced with a psychological problem.

Emma Stauffer maintains strong ties with her past, and it often seems difficult for her to open her heart to new people. Her love affairs might exist on the surface level, because her lust and sensual desire rarely turn into a need to understand, protect, and care for the other. Moreover, it is difficult for her to meet partners who combine the ideals of the tender parent and the great lover.

Emma Stauffer is an affable, communicative associate. Indeed, some people find her generous almost to a fault! She gives of herself and her resources unstintingly. Paradoxically, there are times when Emma is self-focused. She reacts instinctively, without taking the trouble to analyze a given situation, and is prone to misjudge. As a result, her everyday life may be riddled with a whole variety of practical problems. Indeed, Emma senses a conflict between her social life and her family and will sometimes find it hard to fulfill herself in both spheres at the same time. Her attitude toward her private life may inhibit her ambitions for social or career expansion; at worst, society (the law) may impinge on her private life. Emma should be careful not to project her personal problems onto her partner. If, instead, the two of them analyzed the problem, they might be able to find opportunities to resolve it together.

Although your demeanor is cool and distant, you are extremely sensitive. In some cases, your rather austere and rigid behavior and refusal to yield too readily to sentimentality discourage others from being too demonstrative of their tenderness and affection. You have spells of melancholy in which you do not feel worthy of being loved and tend to forbid yourself any emotional fulfillment. An austere or somewhat traumatic childhood experience may be the source of this behavior. It is difficult for your inner self to be detached from this past life, and you sometimes have trouble reconciling the image you have of yourself as an adult with the one you acquired back then. The idea you have of yourself as an individual is related to the image your parents projected onto you as a child. Nevertheless, the past is history, and you are now an adult. It should be easy for you to rid yourself of these phantoms through self-work. You have the ability to overcome your mistakes, as well as great endurance and will power to achieve your goals. Nevertheless, you must not repress your sensitivity in order to succeed.

Emma Stauffer hides a fear of emotional commitment behind a façade of fairly engaging idealism and a nearly palpable spirit of brotherhood and friendship. The truth is, she prefers to observe life from afar rather than come down and dirty her hands in it. However, this fearful and distant attitude will not necessarily enable her to know and love herself better.

Emma Stauffer’s attractions are usually immediate and intense. They rise quickly to fever pitch. The story of these passions is often dramatic to excess, combining all the plot elements of a classic love tragedy: jealousy, possessiveness, agony as an erotic stimulant, etc.

Emma Stauffer’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Emma Stauffer is attracted to troubled and complicated individuals. Her taste for independence and her need for unconventional personal development are betrayed by the power and compulsion of her instincts. As a result, she falls in love when her least expects it, with the type of person she is usually least attracted to… or who is unavailable. She is unlikely to institutionalize her commitments with marriage.

Emma Stauffer has an unsettling attraction which cannot completely hide a certain aloofness. If her loving feelings are frustrated, she may sink into a state of deep despair. This may lead her to marry on the rebound. The jealousy she arouse, or that drives her at times, might have devastating effects.

Emma Stauffer has a great emotional ideal, full of subtlety and tenderness. However, she tends to be overwhelmed by her imagination and may not be selective enough when choosing a partner. Her romantic and trusting nature may make her vulnerable. Although she strives to establish peaceful, uncomplicated relations, she sometimes experiences painful disappointments. Her artistic delicacy and refinement provide her with a sincere love of the arts, music, and literature. She is likely to be a gifted poet.

From the outside, you seem to be emotionally detached and distant, but on the inside you are a very complex individual with a lot of contradictions. Sometimes you feel vulnerable emotionally, so you try to control not only your own feelings and urges, but also try to manipulate those of your partners. You aspire to a profound spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning yourself and yielding to the other terrifies you. This anguish may be a source of some extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because you are guarded and somewhat secretive, you tend to be suspicious and are especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although you are fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, you will not express your feelings unless there is some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of your emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, you are likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Emma Stauffer has a mental aptitude for comparing, evaluating, and weighing information. This intellectual modus operandi has enabled her to develop an innate sense of values, both artistic and ethical, as well as a remarkable ability to relate to other people. Her appreciative, conciliatory attitude makes her a skillful diplomat able to untangle conflict situations deftly and with ease. In other situations, her artistic spirit is sensitive to a wide variety of harmonies.

Emma Stauffer expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

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