What is Cinthia Fernández’s Personality Type?

You are an observant person, attentive to your inner qualities which allow you to perceive the essense of people you meet, the situations you encounter, and the objects you see. You have a strong intuition based upon an openness to the other, and as a result you have a strong sense of the group. Sometimes you are perceived by others as unreliable or untrustworthy, due to a sort of opportunism or disloyalty. However, these superficial characteristics are not the real reason for your behavior. The real reason for your behavior is psychological, residing in the fact that you are always looking to maintain the harmony of the group. However, you sometimes lack self-assertion, which makes you contradictory and unreliable when you face certain superficial decisions. Moreover, you have a chameleon-like ability to blend in with situations and prevailing moods, which makes you quite successful in social settings. However, you need recognition, and as a result you sometimes attach great importance to other people’s opinions of you. You enjoy love and appreciation and are touched by praise as much as you are upset by criticism. You also have a vital need for others and loathe solitude. Emotional functions are central to your psyche, and the encounter with a kindred spirit could be a turning point for you. Since you are aware of this, you are usually quite successful with your love interests. You love to charm and be charmed and excel at the subtle art of amorous conquest, the pleasure of laughter and chat which hints at the promise of even greater pleasure in store. You are skilled at alluding to unnamed urges while seeming to engage in polite conversation.

Capricorn is in the sign of the Ram. As such, it is associated with strength, power, and aggression. When it is in your sign, you may be more reserved and introspective than usual, but this does not mean that you are not strong-willed. You are able to assert yourself and lead an independent life, and you are not easily swayed by others. You may be skeptical and pessimistic at times, but you are also shrewd and intelligent. You value order and tradition, and you are quite stable in your beliefs. You are not easily impressed by the latest trends or fads, and you are not particularly social. You are very independent, and you do not readily express your feelings and emotions. However, deep down you are very sensitive. Your sense of time is very important to you, and you use it to coordinate all of your activities.

Cinthia Fernández yearns for a purpose in life, even faraway or abstract.

Cinthia Fernández has a somewhat secretive personality; she is tempted if not compelled to live a somewhat withdrawn life.

Cinthia Fernández was born under the sign of Capricorn (the Goat), in the sun’s passage through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide her personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of her character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:Sociability – Need for security – Adaptability – Inhibition – Emotionality – Application – Tolerance – Methodical mind – Peaceful disposition – Forethought – Sense of harmony – Loyalty – Worldliness. Cinthia lives by the motto “Moderation in all things.” It is natural for her to postpone her aims and have patience to avoid violence and clashes which would be unbearable for her. Vacillating between tolerance and intransigence, her personal ambitions and her need to be recognized by and associated with others, she may sometimes feel somewhat misguided or misunderstood. However, her discernment and sense of harmony make her someone everyone respects, even though sometimes she may be so careful not to rock the boat that she seems a bit prudish and conventional. Although she is flexible, she can reconcile viewpoints without making a mockery of the truth, because she is against falsehoods and fraud. Her innate sense of harmony in any form could enable her to study such diverse fields as mathematics, philosophy, or social sciences. Her gift for human relations, associated with her strategic and tactical talents, might also predispose her to a diplomatic or political career.

Cinthia Fernández was born on the third day after the new moon, configuration known as a soli-lunar. This makes her subjectively oriented, with a character that is impulsive and expressive. Generally, she sees the world through feelings and emotions, instead of objectively. In her dealings with others, she projects her imaginings onto them instead of seeing them for what they are. As a result, her judgements and reasoning can be affected by her emotions. She should try to pay more attention to listening openly, in order to understand people better. This will make her happier and more effective.

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