What is Bruno Caboclo’s Personality Type?

You have an ideal of which you are only partially conscious, but it has a great influence on your psychology. You are determined to preserve your integrity and purity. Even though you may not be aware of it, you are often preoccupied by this predicament. How can you live in this world and remain true to yourself? How can you succeed in life without sacrificing your ideals? It’s the eternal philosophical dilemma. You have developed a solution, however; you elaborate a fairly strict code of behavior and try to obey it as much as possible. The path that you walk in life is straight and narrow. You yearn for a life that would reflect the ideal you have set for yourself, as free as possible from irrational mysteries and human failings. In fact, although you may sometimes seem a bit rigid, a bit lacking in perspective, it is because your mind understands the macrocosm through the microcosm, and you must observe the completed system before you will form your opinion. You are especially good at sorting and choosing, because your mind is like a filter. It rejects the impurities and only accepts the pure and useful. Analysis, deductive reasoning, and a sense of experimentation are your qualities. You possess great meticulousness and precision which make you a quick and efficient worker. However, you may rely too strongly on your analytical faculties, to the detriment of an overall perception of reality. You like purity and therefore justice. Thus, you are sensitive to human suffering, especially as a result of social injustice, and you will try to remedy the situation according to what you have learned. Once again, the overriding themes of your personality emerge. You want to preserve an ideal, avoid deterioration, change, adulteration. You are offended by imperfection and try to find ways to correct it. You are eager to help, to be useful, to serve a great cause, but you sometimes do not know whom or what you seek to serve. Whatever purpose you adopt, you must learn to help without surrendering yourself entirely; you tend to try to disappear into the background of a hierarchy. You are sometimes attracted by readymade systems, which soothe a certain anxiety you have. You wouldn’t mind devoting yourself to a state, a big corporation, or a dogma. It would be reasonable and satisfying. But you sometimes forget to rebel a bit – to evaluate whether the end justifies the means. You are reassured by predictability. When you commit yourself, you want to know exactly where you are bound and how. This may be a bit of

Bruno Caboclo tends to place his emotions in the forefront. He is sensitive and sometimes vulnerable to influences from the outer world.

Bruno Caboclo is attracted by the here-and-now, by study, and writing. He has a special affinity for the people around him: siblings (or close friends), neighbors, etc.

Bruno Caboclo is a Capricorn born under the sign of Virgo. He has a sun sign located in the sign of Capricorn and is ruled by the element Earth. Bruno’s personality is summarized by the following key words: Modesty – Need for security – Analytical thought – Inhibition – Strict logic – Application – Attention to detail – Methodical mind – Perfectionism – Forethought – Worry and anxiety – Loyalty – Nervousness. Bruno Caboclo is reserved and serious, shunning the superficiality of the social whirl and the pressures and risks of intimacy. He is introspective and often anxious, tending to withdraw into his inner world, where feelings of inferiority struggle with feelings of superiority, humbleness alternates with pride, and a desire for purity competes with feelings of shame. However, Bruno Caboclo can rely on his intellectual resources for success. His talents include powers of concentration, analysis, logic, and debate. His critical faculties, combined with his analytical strengths and perfectionism, could be applied to scientific or philosophical research. The perseverance and tenacity he is able to demonstrate in his work will earn him the social success he needs to shed his inferiority complex. However, worldly rewards will mean little to him until he learns to express his emotional needs and accept the ways of his heart.

Born on the day prior to the new moon, you are said to be of the “balsamic moon” type. This lunar configuration gives you a spiritualistic character closely attached to generous humanitarian ideals. You are sometimes sorely tried to limit yourself to the narrow scope of individual ambition. Indeed, you aim for a humanitarian ideal which would include the outcasts and the unfortunate. You fervently hope the meek will inherit the earth. To bring about this ideal, you are likely to seize every resource placed at your disposal: physical effort, money (if you have it), speech, your writings, and your poetic or artistic talents. However, you should be wary of your unconscious guilt feelings. Actually, there is no reason for you to devote yourself to your mission entirely; a simple daily effort should suffice to express your philosophy and free your conscience. Usually, the three days preceding the new moon will be time in the monthly lunar cycle most favorable to your activities and your general energy level.

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