What does Boss Top’s psychology tell us about them?

Boss Top, due to your unconscious feelings of insecurity, you are fairly individualistic. Although you sometimes mingle with groups for their competitive atmosphere, you will rarely join in them wholeheartedly, preferring to work on your own projects independently. A lack of confidence in yourself may sometimes create challenges in relationships. Your lack of self-esteem may also sometimes inhibit the full expression of your generosity and love.

Boss Top, you may be subject to mood swings, going from phases of frenzy combined with a feeling of omnipotence and exaltation to phases of apathy and inertia. During your “highs,” your behavior is vigorous and dynamic, but it is also likely to be somewhat excessive. These periods tend to be interspersed with “lows,” phases of sluggishness and inhibition, which compensate for your immense need to assert yourself as an individual. How can you find a way out of this vicious cycle which uses up so much of your energy?

First off, you would have to understand that the source of your attitudes and behavior is an unconscious desire for power. We suggest that you meditate upon power, skills, mastery, challenge, desire, and need, your brothers (or brother substitutes, such as friends, cousins, or classmates) – who are key figures – and your adversaries. This should enlighten you. Of course, once you have a clear awareness of your career ambitions and profound desires, you are sure to have plenty of energy to accomplish them.

Boss Top has a great potential for creative, constructive accomplishments; however, it is sometimes difficult for Boss Top to gain access to this part of himself. Boss Top is confident in himself and life but may tend to be nonchalant. Boss Top sometimes needs a little stimulation to get himself rolling and take some initiative. Boss Top’s optimism and inner certainty do not always drive him to give his utmost efforts to achieve a goal. The communications skills Boss Top possesses are an advantage as well as a handicap. Boss Top makes use of his theatrical gifts, convincing eloquence, and ability to listen. The best careers for Boss Top would be teaching, communications, philosophy, the legal profession, theater, and public relations.

Boss Top enjoys sharing and has a constant need for contact with other people. He tends to be free and uninhibited in his relations with other people, rarely allowing himself to be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion; he associates with whomever he pleases. This attitude makes his life refreshing and exciting, and he is never bored. In career terms, Boss Top is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where his intellectual singularity and lively wit would make him an amazing hit. He would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Boss Top has a profound and fertile inner life and a prolific imagination, but his energy resources are not always sufficient to follow through on and accomplish his multitude of dreams. He tends to live in osmosis with his environment, and effort and action take a heavy toll on him. Usually, he understands phenomena and events intuitively, without really making any effort; so he is not in the habit of disciplining or shaping his thought processes. Like his thoughts, his personality is rather amorphous and disorganized. As a result of this lack of structure, he may have some trouble asserting his individuality and making some personal contribution to society through his career. His tendency to shut out reality and dream impossible dreams, like his refusal of responsibility and duty, may be a source of some difficulty for him.

Boss Top’s complex and sometimes rather extremist personality is rooted in an instinctual drive which dwarfs mere rationalism. He finds the dark side of existence alluring and is attracted to mystery and the occult. He delightedly immerse himself in the depths of human experience, stretching his intellectual, emotional, and spiritual resources to their maximum.

Boss Top is winning and attractive. She has an appetite for intense emotional experiences, especially in terms of her relationships. Enjoying the power of her personal appeal, she easily controls her emotions and only rarely reveals the true depth of her feelings. Because her instincts take precedence over her sensitivity, she is capable of becoming jealous, possessive, and even rather harsh, without meaning to. More of a flirt than a voluptuary, she is attentive to desire. As a result, her love life will sometimes be casual and complicated.

Although your exterior is cool and distant, you are extremely sensitive. In some cases, your rather austere and rigid behavior and refusal to yield too readily to sentimentality discourage others from being too demonstrative of their tenderness and affection. You have spells of melancholy in which you do not feel worthy of being loved and tend to forbid yourself emotional fulfillment. An austere or somewhat traumatic childhood experience may be the source of this behavior. It is difficult for your inner self to be detached from this past life, and you sometimes have trouble reconciling the image you have of yourself as an adult with the one you acquired back then. The idea you have of yourself as an individual is related to the image your parents projected onto you as a child. Nevertheless, the past is history, and you are now an adult. It should be easy for you to rid yourself of these phantoms through self-work. You have the ability to overcome your mistakes and great endurance and will power to achieve your goals. Nevertheless, you must not repress your sensitivity in order to succeed.

Although Boss Top may have a tight grip on her emotions, she has a hunger for intense emotional thrills, especially in her relationships, and is sometimes upset by them. Feelings of insecurity may keep her from expressing her emotions, and she tends at times to become jealous or possessive of the person she loves. The force of her emotional drives is intense and especially evident when she has been wounded in some way in the course of a love affair, or if she feels as though someone, a friend or lover, has betrayed her. She has a tendency to be masochistic and thrive on suffering. She may abandon herself to her emotional fears and trifle with her inner vulnerability.

Boss Top,

When it comes to matters of the heart, you are fairly shy, reserved, and discreet. Even in intimacy, you remain modest and do not always readily express your feelings. You’re sensitive and giving, wishing to be of service to those you love. You would do well to trust that you deserve to be made as happy as you make your partner.

Boss Top’s birth chart indicates that he has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. He enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with his gaze riveted on the future, he is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Boss Top is fond of extremes; she needs to possess those she loves entirely. Her love life is usually complicated and pain-stricken; she knows this and tries her best to protect herself. Generally, she falls in love with those who resemble her – saints or sinners, but always passionate.

Boss Top has an ambivalent attitude to sex. This conflict makes his love life rather complex and leads to extremes which he finds difficult to handle. A negative experience or a subconscious feeling of guilt may cause him to channel his emotions into a religious or spiritual life. Maturity may alleviate these extremes, otherwise he will have to make allowances and reconcile the fulfillment of his desires with the reality of a partner as they really are.

Boss Top,

You are cautious and reserved by nature. You are often unwilling to open yourself up to others unless you are sure that they will be accepting. You are a very emotional person, but you have learned that it is important to have some balance in your relationships. You think that “good fences make good neighbors,” and that well-marked boundaries can help to prevent future pain. When you are attracted to someone, you privately analyze their personality and history to see if you can be compatible. As a result, you have a deep affinity for the arts. Music, literature, painting, and graphic art all have a special appeal to you. You could do any job that is balanced, orderly, and practical.

Boss Top thinks about what he wants to do next. He likes to think about things that are out of the ordinary and intellectual. He likes to study things that are above average and strange. He likes to learn new languages and go to new places.

Boss Top tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. His thoughts are usually structured, and his reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

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