What is Belin’s Personality Type?

You are an observant person, always paying close attention to your surroundings and the people around you. You have a special ability to understand people and situations through your intuition, and this makes you very good at networking and socializing. You are also quite flexible, able to adjust to different situations and people. Your emotions are very important to you, and you often feel lonely or lost when you are not around others. You are very attracted to social interactions and love being around people, even if you can be a little bit opportunistic and unreliable at times. You have a strong need for love and appreciation, and you are very sensitive to how others feel about you. You are also very successful with your love life, as you are able to charm and win over others easily.

Due to the influence of Scorpio rising, you are inclined to be forthright and powerful in your nature, with a penchant for possessiveness, be it material, mental, or spiritual. Your own mind proceeds from a fairly skeptical, steadfast, realistic viewpoint, but you are curious about and critically assess different ideas and pursuits. You have a keen appetite for excitement, change, and novelty, which can independently and individualistically disrupt both your public and private lives. But your mind has the potential to be a great investigator or diagnostician in any field, with your iron will, great capacity for self-control, and stubbornness and energy overcoming obstacles. You should be able to go far in the world.

Belin thrives on relating to other people. She cannot live without love!

Belin feels that friendship and membership in groups are vital to personal self-fulfillment.

You were born in the sign of Scorpio, the Scorpion, which is the sign of your rising sign. The sun was passing through the sign of Libra, the Scales, when you were born, which provides clues about your character. You have a personality profile that is characterized by pugnacity, sociability, charisma, adaptability, dignity, emotionality, shrewdness, tolerance, concentration, peacefulness, optimism, sense of harmony, common sense, worldliness. You are alternately forgiving and fastidious, cooperative and individualistic, friendly and opportunistic. Ambitious and somewhat conspiratorial, you have a certain taste for power. However, you are a stubborn and hard worker. The fact that your dignity is easily wounded sometimes causes conflicts in your work environment. You are also capable of forgiveness and deep human understanding, but your sense of values and truth always overwhelms any sentimental tendencies you may have. Intellectually, your skills for analysis and discernment allied with an innate sense of proportion and balance could take you far in almost any field if you learn how to sustain them with application and hard work.

Born three and a half to seven days after the rising of the new moon, you are said to be a “solilunar” lunar type. This configuration indicates that you may need to make an effort to free yourself from the past. Something related to your childhood, parents, or ancestors is holding you back, impairing your effectiveness and could stand to be overcome. Due to your past, you refuse tried-and-true models, are always fighting to justify your innovative viewpoints, and tend to break away from tradition. You are rarely aware that you are making career and lifestyle choices which are based on an urge to modify your relationship to society, and the rigid standards and models from the past.

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