What is backwithali’s Personality Type?

You are an individual who is searching for meaning in life. Although you are introverted, you are very rational and wary of the outer world. You are drawn to ideologies, structures, and theories because they reflect important realities. As a result, you are very interested in reflection and philosophical study. You are also very determined and persistent in your quest for knowledge. Your depth of vision, stamina, and caution give you the ability to tackle difficult tasks. You are also very sensitive and vulnerable to emotional urges. When you take an initiative, it is usually after careful consideration and preparation. You have a great capacity for composure and resistance to obstacles, as well as a great potential for self-control. However, you must be careful not to become too rigid or intolerant. You also have a tendency to be dogmatic in your intellectual pursuits and to be conformist in your social interactions. You are also quite sensitive to the feelings of others. You are often hesitant to engage in casual dating or meaningless love affairs because they may destabilize you. In fact, you would rather focus on deeper, more meaningful relationships. You prize deep emotions and the intensity of passion they arouse. Once you find someone who shares your passions, you will have to learn to express your feelings and release long-repressed desires. This is important for your emotional health and success, because if you cannot release your emotions, they will become trapped in your subconscious and can negatively affect your behavior.

Backwithali is dynamic. It needs to attract admiration and release its excess energy.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Aries, while the sun was passing through the sign of Capricorn. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension: Individualism – Guile – Vitality and passion – Need for security – Pugnacity – Inhibition – Impatience – Studiousness – Impetuosity – Methodical nature – Enterprise – Foresight – Innovation – Loyalty. Your character is animated by the tension between an impulsive, spontaneous nature and an abiding need for security and continuity. Your behavior is jagged and seems to proceed by fits and starts. Maturity should bring your stability between these contradictory inclinations which will coexist, although you will still be aware of deep doubts provoked by the situation. Ambitious and persistent, you can devote all your energy to succeeding. Your taste for leadership makes you apt to play an important role in society, taking on serious responsibilities.

Born in the seven to ten days after the full moon rose, you have the “last quarter” lunar type. As a result, your personality is independent and self-sufficient. Your ideas are original and often bold, but, to your dismay, do not often garner a majority of followers. Your sense of humor is your best communications tool, but you often switch to a more severe tone which breaks your charm over your audience, and your methods do not always please the masses. Your lack of flexibility hinders your strategies and projects, and you would gain by developing your sense of diplomacy and tact. Although you are not unduly attached to success, because you are so used to being ahead of your time, your failures take a psychological toll on you. Because each setback wears you down a little more, you should try to avoid further disappointments by conforming to contemporary reality a little more closely.

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