What is Ava Rose Giannini’s Personality Type?

You are a person of conviction. You believe in your action; you have faith in your approach. Striding purposefully ahead, you go even farther, more effectively. You are aware you have a job to carry out; you know your duty is to create and construct. As a result, it is important for you to be deeply implicated in your career and to feel as though you are really accomplishing a goal that is important to you.

Although your innate sense of matter, your earthiness, may sometimes confine you to the material plane, it also endows you with the power to give substance to your intuitions. Your material possessions embody your spirit. You are a person of taste and discernment. You appreciate the finer things in life, and you know how to make the most of what you have. You are also discerning in your evaluations of people and things. You are not content with simply accepting things at face value. You want to know the reasons behind things, and you want to understand the nature of the objects and beings around you. You see the world as a complex and fascinating place. You are also interested in the spiritual side of things. You are not a materialist, however; you believe in the spiritual dimension of the material world. You are also open to new ideas and ways of thinking. You are not afraid to experiment. In fact, you are often impatient with those who resist change. You believe in taking risks, in going beyond the ordinary. You are also enthusiastic and optimistic, always looking for new opportunities. You are not content with mediocrity or with following the crowd. You want to be original, to do something that has never been done before. This drive to be creative and innovative is also related to your capacity for self-devotion. You are able to give your entire being to a great cause, to devote yourself body and soul, with all the might and conscientiousness you possess, if you believe the goal to be your ultimate purpose.

Your initial problem is to find the cause you will make your purpose in life, because if you were to err, if you wandered into the trap of a bad cause fraught with risk, you would suffer a terrible setback. Therefore, the essential value which will define your life and destiny is the fruit of a long ripening process, a slow, gradual deliberation, the opposite of an impulse. If your purpose in life were to elude you, you would be tempted by indulgence and apathy. Your taste for sensual

Ava Rose Giannini is sensual. Pleasure is important to her.

Ava Rose Giannini needs others to fulfill herself and accomplish her ambitions.

Ava Rose Giannini, you were born under the sign of Leo (the Lion), the sun passing through the sign of Taurus (the Bull). The various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension: Determination – Pride and self-assurance – Compassion – Superiority – Perseverance – Brilliance – Pragmatism – Generosity – Productivity – Positivism – Sensuality. With your steadfast, wholesome personality, honest and determined, you dislike evasiveness and subterfuge in others. You are not happy with anything less than excellence and will actively seek out social success, power, and material comfort. You have a tendency to invest in your key interests and personal preferences, and you know how to be generous. Your great sensuality makes you appreciate pleasure as much as duty, with the same optimism and delight.

Ava Rose Giannini was born on the seventh to tenth day after the full moon rose. She is of the “last quarter” lunar type, which means that her personality is fairly independent and self-sufficient. Her ideas are original and often bold, but unfortunately do not often garner a majority of followers. Her sense of humor is her best communications tool, but she often switches to a more severe tone which breaks her charm over her audience, and her methods do not always please the masses. Her lack of flexibility hampers her strategies and projects, and she would gain by developing her sense of diplomacy and tact. Although she is not unduly attached to success, because she is so used to being ahead of her time, her failures take a psychological toll on her. Because each setback wears her down a little more, she should try to avoid further disappointments by conforming to contemporary reality a little more closely.

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