What is Austin Stowell’s Personality Type?

You are a seeker of truth. You are very intuitive and receptive to the sacred or holy. As a result, the ideal or cause you espouse will be related to the concept of universality or totality. Since your lifetime adventure is based in part on this absolute truth, it is important for you to make an effort to define its nature. What sort of universality are you striving for; what spiritual Everest (in yourself or outwardly) are you trying to scale? In fact, you tend to like mountain climbing, because of the effort it requires. It’s a great joy for you. Alone at the peak, you can contemplate and understand everything. In pursuit of this absolute center (positive or negative) which animates you, you are shrewd and persistent. Stamina and endurance are resources of which you are quite confident. Your existence and organism are arranged to optimize them; others may consider you slow, but you are really just playing it safe, because, unconsciously, you know time is on your side. When you take an initiative, it is after careful forethought and preparation. Your great composure, ability to resist and overcome obstacles and wickedness, and your foresight give you a great potential to accomplish total self-control. However, you must beware of one pitfall: excess. You tend to be a bit too rigid and intolerant; in intellectual pursuits, you can tend to be dogmatic, hermetic, or conformist. Some people criticize your obsession with labeling things. A creature of duty, naturally sober and relatively self-disciplined, sometimes a little too demanding of yourself, you might commit yourself to a productive lifestyle as readily as to a stoic philosophy. The path to liberty mapped by a respect for order is not the easiest to follow. Your introverted personality gives you an attitude of reserve. You appreciate solitude and do not always enjoy sharing your feelings. You avoid superficial human contact as much as possible. Indeed, you sometimes feels uncomfortable at long, drawn-out social occasions and activities, and your interest in others is aroused only when they discuss subjects of special concern to you, such as your own business. This cold exterior hides a lively sensitivity and a heart eager for passion. Quite sensitive and sometimes vulnerable to emotional urges, you would rather be safe than sorry. You tend to avoid casual dating and meaningless love affairs because they may destabilize you. As in every other endeavor, any emotional enterprise you embark upon will be for the long-term, after careful forethought and deliberation. You

Austin Stowell wants to wield power and enjoy social prestige. He feels quite at home in the modern world others find frightening.

Austin Stowell has a somewhat secretive personality; he is tempted if not compelled to live a somewhat withdrawn life.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Aries, while the sun was passing through the sign of Capricorn. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your character profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension: Individualism – Guile – Vitality and passion – Need for security – Pugnacity – Inhibition – Impatience – Studiousness – Impetuosity – Methodical nature – Enterprise – Foresight – Innovation – Loyalty.

Your character is animated by the tension between an impulsive, spontaneous nature and an abiding need for security and continuity. Your behavior is jagged and seems to proceed by fits and starts. Maturity should bring your stability between these contradictory inclinations which will coexist, although you will still be aware of deep doubts provoked by the situation. Ambitious and persistent, you can devote all your energy to succeeding. Your taste for leadership makes you apt to play an important role in society, taking on serious responsibilities.

Born in the three days after the rising of the new moon, you have a subjective character, somewhat impulsive and sometimes emotive. Generally, you don’t see the world in objective terms; instead, you base your attitude on the feelings various situations arouse inside you. Likewise, in human relationships, you tend to project your imaginary reality onto others instead of seeing them for what they are. As a result, your judgements and reasoning are sometimes deprived of perspective. You may want to make an effort to refrain from overinterpreting other people’s actions, because, being the product of your imagination in most cases, your interpretations are mistaken. If you apply yourself to listening more openly, people may reveal their deeper motivations. You’ll be happier and more effective as a result.

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