What does Ana Elisa Salinas’s psychology tell us about them?

Ana Elisa Salinas is searching for stability; she wants to find a firm, unchanging structure for her life. But her efforts to achieve this ideal are often vain, because unconsciously, she is also inhabited by the opposite desire. Every time she reaches what she believes to be a good balance, she realizes she wants something entirely different. She would do well to become aware that the concepts of stability and balance are difficult to apply to life. By definition, life is movement, change, and perpetual instability.

You have a paternal complex and, as a result, some trouble finding your identity. Perhaps your father or a father figure was absent physically or emotionally during your childhood, which deprived you of the patterns or models which are usually helpful in structuring a personality. Because you might have lacked a particular sense of security which could be provided by a paternal presence, as well as the examples of behavior to follow in confronting the difficulties inherent in every life, you were forced to protect yourself against negative influences and find your own system in order to grow and feel secure. Although this system was quite useful to you as a child, it has now settled in to such a degree that it interferes with your evolution. Psychological defense mechanisms and crutches which were once useful now encumber your mind or inhibit your developmental efforts. As a result, in certain situations, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, and you tend to remain an awkward or passive observer. Because your authoritarian urges are mainly directed at yourself rather than others, you sometimes feel guilty about your behavior. You judge yourself severely, and sometimes punishes yourself by setting difficult tasks for yourself. Gradually, you should build up a strong inner discipline and acquire the strength to face the problems of existence in a detached and mature way.

Ana Elisa Salinas is a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that her most precious basic values are freedom and independence. She has thrown off what she perceps as the burden of the convention and customs of her social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Her passionate convictions, bordering on proselytism, sometimes trouble her relationships, as she may be an uncompromising partner. She should learn to recognize her own limitations and accept the responsibilities she has to other people or she is liable to find herself continually embroiled in conflicting relationships.

Ana Elisa Salinas prefers to stick to a pre-determined plan when doing things. Her behavior reflects this tendency. She adopts relatively strict models that are based on logical or moral reasons. She does not readily express her personal feelings or emotions, and may sometimes strike others as a rigid person. However, her conscientiousness and application make her thrive in a work environment. She also tends to treat social engagements and activities as a form of duty. Her natural taste for clarity, detail, and technique would make her successful as a scientific researcher or high-tech designer.

Ana Elisa Salinas has trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although her bubbling imagination provides an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern her self-assertion as responsible and self-sufficient. In a relationship, she is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are.

Ana Elisa Salinas has fairly lofty amorous aspirations. The soulmate she imagines for herself is brilliant and dazzling with an array of talents and beauty. However, the gap between her splendid ideal and reality is sometimes wide. She should be careful not to confuse her romantic ideal with reality and become aware that her tendency to project may be a way of fleeing from herself.

Ana Elisa Salinas’ birth chart indicates that she has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, Ana Elisa Salinas is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Ana Elisa Salinas is fairly discrete and somewhat shy about her feelings. She tends to stay on the sidelines and may be stranded there indefinitely. But as she ages, she will take on more self-assurance and become skillful at hiding her feelings behind her gentleness. As a partner, she is extremely affable and quite knowledgeable about taking care of the people in her life.

Ana Elisa Salinas is a very attractive and brilliant woman. She is skilled in the art of relationships and attracts both social success and admirers. Her need to be loved and admired may cause her to fall for flattery from a mediocre potential partner. She will only find happiness with a person who shares her tastes and who is willing to support her in her quest for social fulfillment.

Ana Elisa Salinas is characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive her to seek pleasure. Her need for romantic fulfillment may compel her to marry, because she also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that she had indeed achieved success. However, privately, she might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

Ana Elisa Salinas is a romantic who is hypersensitive, making her especially vulnerable emotionally. She seeks an ideal partner, but is sometimes disillusioned by the reality of relationships. Because of her sensitivity, she is often drawn to people who are not appropriate partners. Salinas is also artistic and refined, which allows her to appreciate the arts and have a rich emotional life. Salinas’ sensitivity also allows her to empathize with the psychological and social difficulties her peers are struggling with.

Ana Elisa Salinas has a mental aptitude for comparing, evaluating, and weighing information. This intellectual modus operandi has enabled her to develop an innate sense of values, both artistic and ethical, as well as a remarkable ability to relate to other people. Her appreciative, conciliatory attitude makes her a skillful diplomat able to untangle conflict situations deftly and with ease. In other situations, her artistic spirit is sensitive to a wide variety of harmonies.

Ana Elisa Salinas tries to shun subjectivity and be as objective as possible. Her thoughts are usually structured, and her reasoning, based on objective facts or experience, usually relates to practical goals.

Ana Elisa Salinas has a structured mind and penetrating intelligence, but her thought processes tend to be somewhat plodding. This slow pace may be the consequence of some failure or humiliation during her formative years. She is fairly inhibited and pessimistic and tends to doubt in herself and her intellectual skills despite her undeniable gifts as a thinker. She should become aware that her thought patterns and habits are the sign that she is on the brink of a really big breakthrough which will give her an understanding of the complexity of things and phenomena; however, it will take time and effort. Her mind is deep and accurate and is attracted by the essence of things and their fundamental structure. As a result, she is particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Her contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. Whatever career she chooses, she should learn to work alone, because she tends to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. She will also have to learn to conquer her impatience, because she tends to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Moreover, a lack of self-confidence could cause her to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, she should find the courage to question her convictions.

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