What does Alaha Karimi’s psychology tell us about them?

Alaha Karimi is fairly individualistic. Although she sometimes mingles with groups for their competitive atmosphere, she will rarely join in them wholeheartedly, preferring to work on her own projects independently. A lack of confidence in herself may sometimes create challenges in relationships. Her lack of self-esteem may also sometimes inhibit the full expression of her generosity and love.

Alaha Karimi has a great potential for creative, constructive accomplishments; however, it is sometimes difficult for her to gain access to this part of herself. She is confident in herself and life but may tend to be nonchalant. She sometimes needs a little stimulation to get herself rolling and take some initiative. Her optimism and inner certainty do not always drive her to give her utmost efforts to achieve a goal. The communications skills she possesses are an advantage as well as a handicap. She makes use of her theatrical gifts, convincing eloquence, and ability to listen. The best careers for her would be teaching, communications, philosophy, the legal profession, theater, and public relations.

Alaha Karimi is a free thinker and individualist who is convinced that her most precious basic values are freedom and independence. She has thrown off what she perceps as the burden of the convention and customs of her social class and adopted an innovative lifestyle. Her passionate convictions, bordering on proselytism, sometimes trouble her relationships, as she may be an uncompromising partner. She should learn to recognize her own limitations and accept the responsibilities she has to other people or she is liable to find herself continually embroiled in conflicting relationships.

Alaha Karimi is very sensitive and receptive, and she tends to live in osmosis with her surroundings. Her individuality almost seems to be diluted in a flood of sensations and impressions which are continually washing over her, and she often finds it difficult to communicate her feelings to other people. This tide of emotion is a source of inspiration and intuition, but due to her lack of inner structure and organization, it is difficult for her to grasp the essence of her dreams and share them with other people. Alaha Karimi is not at all combative, and this hinders her efforts to fit into society and assert herself productively. Her tendency to prefer fantasy to reality and her refusal to abandon her unattainable dreams is a psychological trap she has fallen into without realizing it. She must understand that by escaping from her obligations and commitments, she only increases the feelings of guilt and incompetence which made reality so distasteful in the first place. Once she free herself from this pernicious process, she has a great deal of potential for fulfilling herself in the outer world, either by devoting herself to the community or by cultivating her considerable artistic talents.

Alaha Karimi usually keeps her emotions restrained and avoids situations that might force her to express them. This inhibition is related to a feeling of not having been loved enough. In many cases, to the detriment of her love life, she is capable of plunging all her energy into her work. She seeks social recognition through her career achievements.

Alaha Karimi has a psychic sensitivity which sometimes causes her to have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. This abundance of creativity and spiritual growth has been helpful in her spiritual and creative pursuits, but she has had difficulty marketing her talents in terms of a career. Her romanticism often leads her to idealize people, but she can be disappointed when their true natures are eventually betrayed.

Alaha Karimi shields herself from the world by keeping herself closed off. She is not always forthcoming with her feelings, and she tends to protect her sensitivity. She is very passionate about her sexuality, and her relationships are usually fueled by her desires. She would find a career that placed her in contact with troubled people to be very rewarding.

Alaha Karimi grows increasingly restless as she observes the couples around her engaging in the traditional rituals of courtship. She wants to explore love in a new way, without the constraints of tradition. Her aspirations encourage her to cast off conventional romantic practices and customs and embark on new adventures.

Alaha Karimi’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. She enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with her gaze riveted on the future, she is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Alaha Karimi is subject to powerful and upsetting inner passions. She usually denies her emotions and feelings. She is more comfortable with her career, where her desire to progress and her taste for power give her wings. She will do well to admit that her emotions cannot be repressed indefinitely.

Alaha Karimi prizes her freedom. She is subject to fall in love at first sight but will sometimes move on without any warning. She has a special art of communicating her energy and would rather have a good time and take pleasure in life with a freedom-loving companion than engage in an intense, passionate commitment. For her, the ideal match would be a partner who shared her aspirations for liberty.

Cautious and reserved, you are often unwilling to open yourself to others if you are not sure of being accepted. You will always hang back somewhat from your emotional urges, parceling out your expressions of affection, because you have learned – sometimes at your expense – that even the most harmonious relationships require some compromise. For you, “good fences make good neighbors,” and well-marked boundaries can prevent future suffering. Thus, even when you are in love, you remain fairly circumspect. When you find yourself attracted to a partner, you privately engage in a careful analysis of their personality and life story, endeavoring to know them profoundly, to see whether you are likely to be able to share your life and future with them. As a result of your sensitivity, you have a profound affinity for all of the arts. Music, literature, painting, and graphic arts are likely to enrich your existence and make it pleasant. You could progress in any career in which balance, order, and practicality predominate.

Alaha Karimi is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, she feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest her.

Alaha Karimi expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

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