What’s Abigail Walker’s Dominant Astrological Sign?

As the moon orbits around the planet Earth, it is constantly in the light and shadow of the sun. This makes the moon a symbol of the mother and the mother image. Depending on your nature, the mother figure may correspond to your biological mother, a grandmother, or a woman who cared for you in infancy and childhood. When you reach adulthood, this mother-figure and all the emotions and bonds associated with you may be transferred to something else: a spouse, a companion, an institution, a church, corporation, or political movement, a cult, etc. In short, any individual or structure likely to take on the mother’s duty of caring for and nurturing the vulnerable aspects of an individual. To be more down-to-earth, the mother figure corresponds to the habits which were learned and then definitively incorporated into the individual’s identity as you gradually became acculturated and progressed toward social independence. As a result, a strongly “lunar” personality often finds it difficult to adapt and is uncomfortable outside the secure setting of familiar routines. Closely tied to your past, you may be unwilling to detach yourself from it and embark on your life as an individual in the here and now. You still identify somewhat with your inner child and may display a child’s capricious behavior, indulging in moodiness and indecision. Your passivity may make you easily influenced, your sensitivity makes you subjective, and you hesitate to open up and lay your soul bare. In your daily life, psychic activity will rule. Your imagination, memory, sensitivity, sensation, and sentiment nearly overwhelm your psyche.

Pluto is the planet of transformation. It rules the sign of Scorpio, the sign of death, redemption, and divine mysteries. Pluto’s energy is mysterious. Its discovery in 1932 associates it symbolically with the creation of the nuclear bomb and the development of psychoanalysis.

In ancient mythology, Pluto was considered to be associated with all the aspects of the underworld – Hades, the Greek name for Pluto, was the god of shell. Today, the underworld is synonymous with the Mafia, and the two share many characteristics.

Pluto occupies an important place in the horoscopes of great mystics and spiritual beings, as well as in the theme of certain dictators and tyrants, among them the most ruthless and greedy for power. In psychological terms, Pluto corresponds to the transmutation of instinctive energies into energies which are accessible consciously by the individual’s ego. This transmutation, which is never completely controllable, induces a power complex.

On the social level, it might be symbolized by the nuclear disaster, the failure of Western man to master the energy of the atom – a power complex gone awry. On the individual level, Pluto is expressed either in a “power complex,” in which instinctive energy is completely transmuted into a personal resource, or as a “failure complex,” in which certain inhibitions prevent the instinctive energy from being transmuted.

You find it difficult to adjust to a situation that feels too constraining. You are drawn to those who offer you a sense of independence and self-sufficiency, but you may also find yourself running away from those who try to control you. You are frightened of being swallowed up by others and so you withdraw into yourself. In a relationship, you are seeking excitement and intellectual stimulation, but if you do not receive it, you feel bored and suffocated. You may find yourself refusing concessions to conventional norms that are necessary for social life, but doing so can lead to uncomfortable situations. It is important for you to find a way to balance your need for freedom with your need for social compatibility. You must learn to wield your power in a constructive way, by finding alternatives to the routine constraints of the past.

The eighth house is an area of the sky which is especially important in your theme. In the following paragraph, we shall explain the general meaning of this fact.

According to tradition, this house is associated with the sign of Scorpio, and thus the themes of death, metamorphosis, and sexuality. It is also related to birth and initiation, and, in more practical terms, inheritances, legacies, and debts. More specifically, the area is related to the idea of partnership resources. It raises such issues as the management of a collective heritage and the administration of assets acquired in association with another person, and the sharing out, psychologically and materially, of these resources in marriage and business partnerships. As a result, three interdependent but fundamental factors inherent to initiating any mutually beneficial partnership are emphasized: trust, management, and responsibility. Obviously, a partnership devoid of trust is dangerous, if not impossible. Only when true trust and mutual confidence are established can a cooperative activity yield profit. The next step is managing the profit (or loss) resulting from the cooperative enterprise: sharing it out equally between the partners, or re-investing it in view of making the enterprise more profitable. The responsibility of the manager (and any participant who is a co-manager) is obviously engaged, because it would be unethical for you to keep any of the wealth generated by the group’s activities for your own personal benefit. You must also be responsible enough not to flee in case of difficulty.

Sexuality, which is an asset or resource of the couple, can be thought of according to the same dynamic. If sexual problems arise, if they are not due to physiological problems, they are always related either to a loss of mutual confidence, to mismanagement of the physical and psychological exchange, or to an insufficient sense of duty on the part of one of the partners. Due to the significance of this area in your astral chart, you may encounter one of these issues. It will be vital for you to become truly conscious of what is at stake in your partnerships. As a result, you will have to evaluate the wealth you acquire as a result of your relationships and measure the power conferred upon you by your participation in intimate, social, or professional relationships.

The house in the sky which rules your sign is important, because it includes several planets which are important in your theme.

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