What is Aaron Burns’s Personality Type?

An intuitive, extroverted person, you are open to the reality of the world, objects, and others. You have a special duality to your mind, which is made up of equal parts of intellectual resources and sensitivity, giving you great intuition and humanism. As a function of this latter, you have a great sense of your fellow human and the oracular art of divining people’s unconscious wishes and motivations – in fact, your advice is often sought. In material terms, it gives you a talent for locating lost objects and a spirit of discovery and invention. Overall, you welcome the signs arriving from the outer world in a positive and liberal way and even incite them to promise more than they can provide. However, when something does not satisfy you, you have the ability to cheer yourself up rapidly and are quick to discover whatever positive aspects it may present. This involves a process of readaptation which requires formidable ego transformations, and they are the challenge for you. It is up to you to renew yourself, to behave in such a way as to drain your environment of fearsome or threatening aspects. You are usually perceived as an idealist. Deep within yourself, you sense the presence of a “new life.” It is the crucible of your ideal and all your hopes. The “new life” may assume the garb of various philosophies of liberation; whatever they may be, they all endeavor to revitalize alienated modern people, oppressed and downtrodden by Western civilization. However, in your striving to free yourself and your fellow humans from a social contract based on the power of sheer lucre and corrupt lobbies, you display a singular inclination to depend upon the very social forces you intends to topple. The reason for this is that, because you are quite sociable, the only thing you instinctively grasp profoundly is social action and organization. Your perception of your own personality is vague or even negative. In fact, your grandiose personal gestures are motivated by a need to hide your unavowed feelings of inferiority and, at times, your fear of strong personalities. But you are above all an idealist. Hope is the prime mover of your spirit, and you are continually traveling along the axis of the hope/despair polarity. As you apply yourself to ignoring whatever is impervious to your aspirations, you should acquire some certainty of what is still possible – for you and the world. In fact, in relation to your ideal, you behave realistically, although others are unable to perceive your realism because you expressed yourself in

Due to the influence of Sagittarius rising, you have a quick and expansive mind, which thrives on novelty and change. The sense of smell is primordial to you, and you have a special feeling for smelling fragrances and odors. As a result, you are highly sensual and enjoy the finer things in life. Your innate sensitivity tends to be apparent in your relationships. If your work corresponds to your deepest motivations, it can become a source of real pleasure for you. It is almost as though a physical bond formed between your productions and yourself (as a result, you could be a successful perfumer or food writer). You are best matched with partners with Virgo characteristics; their social vision and inspiration would broaden the horizon and scope of your activities.

Aaron Burns tends to place his emotions in the forefront. He is sensitive and sometimes vulnerable to influences from the outer world.

Aaron Burns is a highly social person and enjoys being part of a group.

Aaron Burns was born with a Taurus rising sign and the sun passing through Aquarius. Clues in his astrology profile suggest that he has a character that is independent, oppositional to progress, and rebellious. He also has a compassionate nature and a creative mind. However, Aaron can be prone to fluctuating emotions and to being pragmatic in his solutions. He also has a sensual side and is drawn to the study of social problems.

Born three and a half to seven days after the rising of the new moon, Aaron Burns is said to be a “crescent moon” lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration indicates that he may need to make an effort to free himself from the past. Something related to his childhood, parents, or ancestors is holding him back, impairing his effectiveness and could stand to be overcome. Due to his past, Aaron Burns refuses tried-and-true models, is always fighting to justify his innovative viewpoints, and tends to break away from tradition. He is hardly ever aware that he is making career and lifestyle choices which are based on an urge to modify his relationship to society, and the rigid standards and models from the past.

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