Ricky Flores Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Ricky Flores

Birth sign

Ricky Flores is a dance and lip-sync content creator who rose to fame by sharing performances on his former theyluvricky TikTok account. After his initial account was banned, he launched an account under the username rickysbanned and it amassed over 1.5 million fans.

Flores was born on January 13, 2004 in Chicago, IL. He is a Capricorn.

Flores is best known for his creative and entertaining TikTok videos. He has also gained a following on Instagram, where he often posts behind-the-scenes photos and videos of his TikTok content creation process.

In addition to his social media success, Flores has also worked as a model and actor. He has appeared in music videos for artists like Lil Mosey and Lil Tjay.

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