Jack Wright Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Jack Wright

Birth sign

Jack Wright is a dancer and entertainer who became a TikTok sensation with more than 11 million followers. He gained even more popularity as a member of the social group The Hype House until he left in June 2022.

Born on March 29, 2003, in California, Jack Wright is an Aries. He started dancing when he was just three years old and has been entertaining audiences ever since. His infectious energy and undeniable talent have made him one of the most popular TikTok stars in the world.

Jack is also a gifted musician and has released several songs that have become TikTok hits. In addition to his musical talent, he is an amazing dancer, and his routines have earned him millions of fans on TikTok.

No matter what he’s doing, Jack Wright always brings the party with him. His Aries energy is impossible to resist, and his fans can’t get enough of him.

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