DIY com VIVI Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart


Birth sign

DIY com VIVI is a TikTok star and content creator who is best known for the DIY and craft videos she posts to her diycomvivi account. Her fans have boosted her to over 2.8 million followers on the social media app.

Born on September 13, 1977, in Brazil, DIY com VIVI is a Virgo. Virgos are known for their practical and methodical nature, as well as their attention to detail. This attention to detail is evident in DIY com VIVI’s videos, which are often highly creative and well-executed.

DIY com VIVI’s popularity on TikTok is due in part to her relatable and down-to-earth personality. She often speaks candidly about her life and experiences, which her fans find relatable and inspiring.

No matter what life throws her way, DIY com VIVI always remains positive and optimistic. This positive outlook is one of the things that her fans love most about her.

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