Alina Evita Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Alina Evita

Birth sign

Alina Evita is a multi-talented performer who is best known for her former alinaevita TikTok account. She has more than 550,000 fans on TikTok and also earned the coveted verification crown.

Alina was born on March 14, 2007 in Austria. She is a Pisces, and her zodiac sign is known for being creative, compassionate, and intuitive.

As a TikTok star, Alina has amassed a large following due to her creative and entertaining videos. She is also a gifted dancer, and has showcased her talent on her TikTok account.

In addition to her TikTok fame, Alina is also an accomplished singer. She has released several singles, and her music has been featured on various streaming platforms.

Alina is a multi-talented performer who has charmed audiences with her creativity, talent, and charisma. She is sure to continue to entertain and inspire her fans for years to come.

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