This is what you were born for, Scorpio!
For you it is not enough to be the sexiest among your pals, or the fastest at that boot camp class. You try your best in everything you do, and you will succeed, at any cost! Being a fixed sign gives you power against adversity, and your self-discipline helps you attain everything you put your mind to.
Need more? Pluto, your ruling planet, not only gives you an incredible power of transformation, but also reinvention. You might appear calm, but right beneath you lies your passionate, penetrating, and brave top-notch self!
It isn’t easy being a Scorpio, you´re ruled by two planets…
Your sign is ruled by extremes. People will often tell you that with you that it´s either black or white, no in-betweens. If you often feel this tug-of-war inside of you, it´s not your fault. It´s your stars and the universe to blame. Your two rulers, Pluto and Mars, are quite opposite in the realm of astrology. Mars is the one that gives you your initiative, strength, and self-assertiveness. But Pluto incites you to have a higher consciousness by giving you intuition and that sixth sense that often characterizes you. So next time you feel really torn between two ends, just remember, it´s only natural. A real harmony will prevail for you when you gracefully balance the influences of these two star superpowers.
Scorpio´s artistic expression as a way of self-reinvention…
As the force who rules transformation, rebirth, and regeneration, you constantly feel the need to reinvent yourself.
But all these words sound easier said than done, right? You might be tormented hearing the bells of change if this time you´re caught off guard.
So, what´s next? Whether you have found it in yourself yet, you have a highly creative mind and special talents for the self-expressive arts.
Writing, acting, dance, music, painting, and photography are some of the manifestations you can easily master, and there´s no doubt this would be a great outlet for your highly emotional life.
Lucky you, Scorpio, your stars really hooked you up!
You need to open up…
Scorpio is known for its secrecy and need for privacy because of Pluto’s—one of your rulers—energy. Therefore, Scorpio often wears a mask in order to be able to hide from the outside world. But as time passes by, you might start to realize that when you open up, you are able to give the most of yourself and also take the best from others. That´s because you can only learn self-mastery and control when you really allow others to mirror you, your own issues, and your processes. For your sign, real growth can only be a consequence of your relationships with others. So, take off your mask and allow yourself to share, exchange, and really feel.
This isn’t always a bad thing…
Let´s face it: Scorpios are smart, powerful, and amazing people, but are not the kind people you think of as angelic, harmonious, or gentle. You might be breaking every single rule your yoga, social ethics, or meditation teacher has been talking about. And you know what, it´s totally okay! Here´s why:
You´re too practical or direct in relationships. This saves you a lot when it comes to picking lovers and friends. Life is too short, and you want to focus your energy on the right people.
You´re probably pretty competitive. This quality doesn´t only make you successful in your profession, it also makes you attain every single goal you set your sight on.
You are stubborn. People say this is a defect. They don´t know this is actually a fantastic quality. You don´t give up!
Might not be a good time for revenge dear Scorpio…
Every single sign has a dark side, especially you! As the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac, your intense passion is just as legendary as your venomous sting. Everyone pretty much knows they shouldn´t cross you, but chances are, they didn´t know you well enough when they did. It´s also possible they were so infatuated with your charm they didn´t believe you could have such a dark side. But you do!
Anyone who betrays you better watch out. Like a scorpion, you will wait for the perfect moment—even wait years—to sting. Unfortunately, there is something in the air caused by a planetary alignment that warns you this is not a very good time to get back at that ex-lover, former friend, or old time enemy. As hard and difficult as it is, your sign´s greatest challenge is to learn how to use your awesome personal power in a healthy and productive way. Start by doing it now!
Obsession gives Scorpio the upper hand…
It´s great to be the sensual and most mysterious sign out there, but you´re more than that, Scorpio. You have the potential of being a genius more than any other sign because of your obsessive driven focus into whatever compels you. Like everything else, obsessive behavior can have its good, and bad side.
If you manage to channel yours well, it can take you very, very far. So next time an interest awakens your curiosity, find inspiration in fellow Scorpio geniuses Pablo Picasso, August Rodin, Carl Sagan, Leopold Mozart, Marie Curie, Leon Trotsky, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Martin Scorsese, Marie Antoinette, Princess Grace Kelly, Calvin Klein, Sean Combs, Joaquin Phoenix, and Sylvia Plath. They’ve all got something to learn from!
Your passion makes you the unforgettable lover, Scorpio…
It´s no secret Scorpio possess the strongest of sexualities. As the sign that rules the sexual organs, no one knows more than you about the pleasures of sex and has more stamina than you.
The sexual experience with Scorpio is a passionate and intense ride that starts with the excitement of erotic anticipation and builds into a mystical exchange of spirits and souls.
Those who have been under your touch have been elevated to realms of lusty awakenings that they could reach with very few.
It´s that amazing sixth sense of yours that helps you read your lover´s mind to find out what makes them tick, what makes them surrender to their deepest sexual desires, and what makes them remember you forever…
Live up to your expectations, Scorpio!
It’s true Scorpio, you’re considered to be the most powerful sign of the zodiac. You are sharp, intelligent, passionate, profound, and you seem to know all the answers to some of the most enigmatic questions. But, are you living it up? Because if you´re not, you need to be!
Get in touch with your powerful Scorpio nature by embracing your sign´s best aptitudes. Never stifling your emotional intensity, always striving for more depth, listening to your desires, and understanding the complexity of your nature are all ways to make yourself live up to your own high expectations.
It is true, by fate, your road might come with tons of obstacles, but you were given the power and determination to shoot them down and build your own happiness. Go for it!
Big points for Scorpio…
While Virgos and Capricorns take pride in being some of the most remarkable professionals, the misunderstood Scorpio turns out to be brilliant in the vital field of saving lives. Scorpio´s instinctive ability to read people is an excellent diagnostic tool. This along with a penetrating mind, a prodigious memory, and a compulsion to probe under the surface makes them excellent doctors.
The left brain is Scorpio´s active side, making them good for calculation, foreseeing circumstances, and analyzing situations logically, all qualities required by one of the most difficult, but rewarding, professions. Some outstanding Scorpio doctors of our lifetime are Regina Benjamin, James Naismith, Christiaan Barnard, Sanjay Gupta, MagdiYocuob, Fredrick Banting, and Victor Chang.