Pisces, the Most Creative Sign

You sure are talented…

Pisces natives have wonderful imaginations. You are impressionable, creative, and sensitive dreamers. Intellectually curious, you like to explore the unusual, the mysterious, and the hidden. You’re champions of make-believe, and many of you gravitate toward careers in the arts.

Some of the world’s greatest poets, musicians, writers, artists, and dancers were born under this sign: Pierre-August Renoir, Frederic Chopin, Enrico Caruso, Kurt Cobain, Glenn Miller, Rudolph Nureyev, W.H. Auden, John Updike, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Victor Hugo, Cyd Charisse—to name but a few in a great sea of talent! What will you create?

Pisces’ Power Move: Yoga!

The watery yogini…

Perhaps you thought that people did yoga only to tone up muscles and improve balance, but it can do so much more than that. How about regulate your immune system and rev up your energy? Two 90-minute sessions a week can cut inflammation and ease fatigue. You’ll be less stressed (so you’ll sleep better) and feel more energetic. What’s not to love? Embrace your inner warrior as you stimulate blood flow with Fish Pose and calm your brain with Dolphin Pose.

Listen to Yourself, Pisces

Channeling your Pisces intuition to your advantage…

You’re the master when it comes to intuiting what’s going on with others, but do you spend as much time figuring out what’s going on with you? Perhaps you suffer from anxiety, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, or migraines without really knowing why. The mind-body technique known as bio-feedback might help. It allows you to influence seemingly involuntary physical functions, such as how your body reacts to stress—one cause of muscle tension and increased blood pressure. Find a therapist who can help you understand how you respond to stress and offer calming breathing techniques, meditation, and guided imagery.

Pisces, Compassion Personified

Is Pisces the most compassionate sign? Maybe!

There’s a deep well of sensitivity, generosity, and sympathy in your watery depths. Of course, these qualities make you a wonderful friend and partner, but you also extend that compassion to any being in need of nurturing. Stray, hungry, or injured animals tug at your heartstrings. You can’t bring them all home with you, of course, so feed that inner need to help by volunteering at a local animal shelter. Frightened dogs need a friend for walks and games until they find their forever homes. Newborn feral kittens need to be socialized, bottle-fed, and cuddled before they’re ready to interact with a new human family. Give a little love and get so much more in return!

You Rule the Beach, Pisces

Beach exercises for the Fish…

You love the seashore, but don’t just lie on the lounge chair reading the latest best seller! Running on sand burns nearly twice the calories as running on sidewalks because your feet and calves have to work harder to push off the constantly shifting surface, and your body has to stabilize itself as you move over the uneven surface. And, unlike pounding on pavement, running on sand is easier on your joints. Not a runner? Start with brisk walking and gradually build up your speed. Don’t forget to stretch afterward!

Make a Pisces Love List

Paving your way to love through daydreaming…

You like to daydream. Rather than a fault, you can put it to work to help you find love. Take a few hours to yourself. Get comfortable with paper and pen. Now start daydreaming. Who is your ultimate lover? What four qualities do you most want in a mate? Answer from your heart, not according to what others expect or want. Someone sensitive? Likes to laugh? Good cook? Self-confident? Research shows that writing down your goals gives you a much greater chance of success because clarifying your desires helps you commit to them. Happy hunting!

Pisces’ Signature Scent

The prefect scent for dreamy Pisces…

The Pisces sensitive soul responds to every nuance in the world around you. Your exceptional sense of smell means that fragrance is important to you. The right one can be calming or energizing. You love a scent redolent of the beach, like Ocean Dream Coral or Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Lovers “G” of the Sea, which subtly blends water lily (one of your flowers) with red apple, jasmine, and amber. Ocean Pacific perfume combines water lily with violet and magnolia. For men, He Wood Ocean Wet Wood blends ocean, ambergris musk, and wood notes for a nature-inspired scent.

Pisces Leading by Example

Teach others how you want to be treated, Pisces…

Pisces is so compassionate that you find it hard to believe when other people don’t quite rise to your level. People could take advantage of your trusting, open-hearted nature. If someone is always taking credit for your work, blaming you for things you didn’t do, or taking you for granted, you have two choices.

One is to avoid the issue. It won’t change the situation, and you’ll have to be content with the way things are. The other is to teach the person how you want to be treated. This takes backbone, but you’re up to it! Don’t just go with the flow, speak up. The person will change their behavior—or not. You can then decide whether to continue the relationship.

Leave Your Baggage Behind, Pisces

Taking a trip?

Lost in your watery reverie, some might unkindly call you irresponsible. You’re a dreamer. You have more important (or at least more interesting) things to think about than the practical nitty-gritties of daily life!

Turn what some might consider a fault into a new way to travel. If you’re always forgetting half the things you meant to pack—dressy clothes, sunscreen, raincoat—take the opportunity to explore and mingle with the locals at your destination. There’s a better than even chance that they wear clothes, and that the shops will have everything you need. You’ll meet people, figure out the currency, and have some cool, unique stuff to show off when you get home!

Find Your Focus, Pisces

You can have it all…

Because your sign is mutable and watery, you adapt easily to almost any situation. That makes for a great work environment, but are you missing out on what <i>you</i> want because you’re always going along with everybody else? You’re a dreamer and a thinker, so you probably have a pretty good idea of what you need!

Try focusing your thoughts away from the group by taking a labyrinth walk. There are thousands of these winding paths around the world. Strolling slowly with intent and focus can bring clarity to your needs and desires. Return to your life prepared to stick up for what you want!