What’s on Your Wish List, Capricorn?

Take a time out from your responsibilities, Cap!

Capricorns are notorious for sacrificing their wants for all the needs in life. Ah, responsibilities. You live up to your fair share, Goat! Now, imagine some of those fun things that would make you happy to indulge in… even if just a little. Can you do one of them this week? If there’s any way, do it.

If you simply can’t for some important reason, can you plan to in the near future? If things really are not possible, you can at least live out your wish vicariously, whether that means reading up on it, making a wish list on a shopping site and adding all those too-expensive things you want, or daydreaming a few moments away here and there.

Capricorn: Strong and Sensitive

Your sign really is the whole package!

Everyone knows a Capricorn can handle a lot… you’re super strong, resilient, and a powerful force. No one wants to argue against you. You also won’t back down… because you’re usually right, of course.

But your true power lies in your sensitivity. Yes, really. You have a very big, warm heart and that pushes you toward your goals more than anything. If you care deeply, nothing can stop you. And those who get close to you are forever protected, cared for, and cherished.

Not only will you pick up the check, you’ll suggest dishes others are sure to love, you’ll share yours, and you’ll make sure everything is cooked and seasoned to everyone’s satisfaction! Remember to be generous with the tip, too.


Saturday Is Your Day, Capricorn

What day of the week are Capricorns at their best?

Of course, most of us prefer weekends to weekdays because we get a break from work. But whether you’re hard at a task or lazing in an easy chair, Saturday is when your well-being and magnetism increase dramatically.

So, knowing this, make sure to plan your most important goals for Saturdays. A new haircut you need to look just right, that personal project you’re counting on succeeding with, an important date, that dreaded conversation… your luck is best on Saturday so do it then!

This Should Be Your Next Goal, Capricorn

Wondering about your next step? This is it!

You work really hard to achieve your own goals, provide for your family, help your loved ones and friends, impress the world… but now it’s time you give back with no personal agenda to total strangers.

Pick a cause, event, whatever needs help. Look in your local community for opportunities. It can be a few hours—one time at a local festival that needs someone to help serve in a beverage tent, or an ongoing youth mentoring program.

Bottom line: you have a lot to offer the world at large. It’s time to help out, and the return on investment is priceless!

Capricorns Know Best

You’re right, they’re wrong–right? Maybe not…

While Capricorns love to (and usually can) win an argument, they actually dislike conflict and will usually avoid any sort of debate that might get heated. But, if someone messes with a belief, cause, or personal attribute they hold dear, watch out! The stubborn, guarded Goat will prove you wrong every time. And if they are lied to, their fighting spirit (intellectually and verbally—they are not the physically aggressive kind) comes out full throttle! Bottom line: Yes, Cappies are usually right when they put their two cents into an argument, but only if it pushes their buttons.

Capricorn Is the Most Sincere

When Capricorns get deep, they mean every word!

Capricorns may not offer up their thoughts. In fact, many Goats build walls around their emotions and rarely let any vulnerabilities show. They just fear rejection or criticism that much!

But when a Capricorn does get emotional, listen to their every word. They mean every carefully chosen syllable and make sure their tone is on-point. If you give a less-than-desirable response, that wall will go back up quicker than you have time to figure out the 180 degree turn.

Bottom line: If a Capricorn says they feel deeply for you, believe it! And reassure them that you like what you hear.

Capricorn Is Most Likely to Succeed

Why Capricorns are the highest achievers…

Need proof of just how smart, driven, and tenacious Sea Goats are? Here are some natural-born leaders…

Paul Cezanne: Great influence on 20th century abstract art.

Katie Couric: First woman to anchor CBS Evening News alone.

Isaac Newton: Discovered the law of gravity.

Tiger Woods: Youngest man and first African American to win the U.S. Masters.

Elvis Presley: Arguably the most popular icon of rock ‘n’ roll.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: One of the most notable civil rights leaders in the U.S.

Benjamin Franklin: A Founding Father of America, he drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Lies Capricorns Tell

Honesty is not always the best policy, but are you lying too much?

Capricorns hate conflict, and certainly don’t want to seem overly sensitive and dramatic. Thus, they end up “not saying anything” or making up little “twists on the truth” to keep things in control. Well, this could really work against your progress, Cap.

First, people will inevitably catch on. Others can sense when your emotions and actions seem out of synch. This can lead to discomfort or even disapproval—the things you’re trying to avoid in the first place.

Second, what you think is “best” really isn’t if it’s not open, honest, and honorable. Keep your integrity and respect intact by avoiding lies and burying the truth at all costs.

Capricorn Is Wise Beyond Their Years

Capricorns are young at heart but sweet old souls.

You’re truly an old soul and love to walk down memory lane. Here are some ways to keep the past close to your heart…

Capricorn’s Love Hang-ups

Things Capricorns need to do to let their love lives thrive.

Capricorns are awesome at anything serious in their lives—their work, personal goals and hobbies, financial planning, and their loved ones. But sometimes they can be way too serious.

Over-thinking is something that can prevent Capricorns from holding down a healthy relationship. So is being so careful that everything is “perfect”, so much so that they miss that window of romantic opportunity. So, Goat, lower your expectations (without settling, of course) and try to go with the flow more. If you’re too uptight, love may elude you altogether. It’s no fun being with a worrywart!