What is Queen Naija’s Personality Type?

Of a fairly introspective nature, Queen Naija is attentive to her special inner qualities which enable her to perceive the very essence of the people she meets, the situations she encounters, and the objects she sees. She has the ability to understand through her intuition. This faculty is based upon an openness to the other, and thus a certain duality: a budding extroversion, and the predominance of the object over the subject (Queen Naija) in her consciousness. As a result, she has a strong sense of the group and would sacrifice her own ego rather than commit something that is a sin in her eyes, neglecting her social obligations or failing to fulfill her duties to the people she is close to. She can sometimes be perceived by others as unreliable or untrustworthy, due to a sort of opportunism or disloyalty.

However, these are superficial characteristics. The real reason for her behavior is psychological and resides in the fact that she is ready to do anything to maintain the harmony of the group (or simply satisfy the expectations of the other). However, she sometimes lacks self-assertion, and this makes her contradictory and unreliable when she faces certain superficial decisions.

Moreover, she has a chameleon-like ability to blend in with situations and prevailing moods. She is thus quite a success in social settings, and she thrives on friendships, partnerships, networks, and corporate liaisons. Her mind is amazingly flexible, arranging harmonious and productive encounters between people and ideas. All of her emotional health is invested in a desire to participate, to mingle, to exchange. Although she is consciously aware of an ardent desire to be sociable, unconsciously she blames herself for failing to achieve her ideal goal, which always seems to elude her. This is why she sometimes has phases of discouragement, followed by renewed zeal in her work efforts or group participation. Because she is always seeking the perfect group, the ideal form of cooperation, she sometimes despair of ever attaining it. She has a natural tendency to find common ground for people, to reconcile differing opinions and viewpoints, and she is partial to any arrangement which promotes cooperation or fellowship.

Because she is not aggressive by nature, she knows how to make peace; she is a skillful diplomat and go-between. As a corollary to her opening to society, she is closely related to her environment. The society in which she moves contributes in large part to the formation of her character and attitude. Through social contacts and friendships, she has elaborated a personal code of ethics which reconciles societal norms and the values her family, friends, and relations have passed on to her. It is important for her to find a way to make all these components harmonize, or she will feel a bit lost and bewildered. She needs recognition. She sometimes attaches great importance to other people’s opinions of her. She enjoys love and appreciation and is touched by praise as much as she is upset by criticism. She has a vital need for others and loathes solitude. Emotional functions are central to her psyche, and the encounter with a kindred spirit could be a turning point for her, a momentous event in her life. Since she is aware of this, and her tactfulness makes her quite successful with her love interests, she may be content to go from affair to affair without ever settling down, out of the fear of shutting out an even greater possibility for passionate love.

She loves to charm and be charmed and excels at the subtle art of amorous conquest, the pleasure of laughter and chat which hints at the promise of even greater pleasure in store. She is skilled at alluding to unnamed urges while seeming to engage in polite conversation.

As a highly aware individual, Queen Naija is always questioning the psychological, metaphysical, and mystical aspects of life. She knows that the future may hold a complete psychological metamorphosis for her, and she is ready to embrace it.

The ego which is available to others is no longer completely self-possessed. Queen Naija invests all her energy in her relationships and partnerships.

At the time of my birth, my rising sign was located in Taurus (the Bull), while the sun was passing through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide my personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of my character and indicate certain contradictions which may create tension:

Sociability – Opposition to progress – Adaptability – Compassion – Sensitivity – Perseverance – Tolerance – Pragmatism – Peaceful nature – Productivity – Sense of harmony – Sensuality – Worldly cares.

Inclined by temperament to build a harmonious life for myself, I am drawn to human warmth and cannot be happy unless I have achieved healthy, stable emotional relations.

I delight in my power to please and seduce and have a pronounced taste for art and beauty. My sensual side, combined with my talents for harmony and rhythm, and an ear for melody would make me successful as a musical composer, an architect, or any other artistic career which requires a keen sense of beauty.

Born in the seven to ten days after the full moon rose, Queen Naija is of the “last quarter” lunar type. As a result, her personality is fairly independent and self-sufficient. Her ideas are original and often bold, but, to her dismay, do not often garner a majority of followers.

Her sense of humor is her best communications tool, but she often switches to a more severe tone which breaks her charm over her audience, and her methods do not always please the masses.

Her lack of flexibility hinders her strategies and projects, and she would gain by developing her sense of diplomacy and tact. Although she is not unduly attached to success, because she is so used to being ahead of her time, her failures take a psychological toll on her. Because each setback wears her down a little more, she should try to avoid further disappointments by conforming to contemporary reality a little more closely.

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