What is Kyle Trewartha’s Personality Type?

You are an impulsive, passionate person who is always in a hurry to live and take action. You are unafraid of challenges and danger, and are unyielding in your pursuit of desires. You are guided by a fire burning within you, and because of this you are not a good manager. You are straightforward and have little patience for delays. You are also eternally impassioned, which can sometimes trouble or destabilize you. But because of your fierce determination, you are able to overcome any obstacle. You should be aware of your penchant for excess, and of the negative passions that can befall you. If you are subject to a negative passion, you can be irritable and heedless to everything except your impulses. You should channel your energy in positive directions by getting a good education.

Kyle Trewartha is dynamic. He needs to attract admiration and release his excess energy.

Kyle Trewartha needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.

Kyle Trewartha was born under the sign of Gemini, the Twins, in the sign of Aries, the Ram. His rising sign was in Aries, and the sun was passing through that sign at the time of his birth. His personality profile was summarized with the following key words: need for contact, individualism, mental agitation, vitality and passion, frivolity, pugnacity, dilettantism, impatience, impetuosity, communication, enterprise, inner duality, innovation. Kyle is a lively and high-strung person who is likely to be bubbling with energy both physically and mentally. His curious, impatient mind is eager for adventure. He enjoys meeting all kinds of different people, but sometimes he may spread himself too thin, and it is hard for him to concentrate on the same subject for any length of time. Speed, momentum, and movement are vital to him. Curious about everything, he is very flexible and adaptable, displaying ingenuity and skill. He is launched on the wings of dazzling intuitions and flashes of inner enlightenment. His talent for expression is remarkable.

Born on the third day after the full moon rose, you have a “full moon” lunar type configuration. This configuration gives you an objective, rational, and lucid character. However, since the moon is opposite the sun at the time of the full moon, your objective tendencies are balanced by a more idealistic penchant. Because the forces pull you in two different ways – one toward dreams, the other toward reality – you may be aware of some inner contradictions which are causing practical and social difficulties for you. At times, you are too demanding of yourself or others, comparing them to an ideal, whereas at others, you are too nonchalant and indulgent about life. You vacillate between two poles. One is elitist; the other is more earthy and perhaps vulgar at times. The result is a multifaceted self. Generally speaking, your monthly energy flow is strongest at the time of the full moon. You would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects.

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