What is Kent Brooks’s Personality Type?

You are observant and introspective, paying close attention to the special qualities that make you the perfect person to understand the people and situations you encounter. You have a deep intuition that comes from your openness to the other, and this allows you to understand people and situations very well. You are able to get along well with others, both in social settings and in business dealings. However, you can sometimes be unreliable or untrustworthy because you are opportunistic and have a lack of self-assertiveness. You also have a tendency to blend in with the situation and the prevailing mood, which can make you difficult to detect. Nevertheless, you are skilled at manipulating people and situations to your advantage. You are also quite social, enjoying love and appreciation as much as you do criticism. You have a vital need for others and find solitude difficult to tolerate. Your emotional functions are central to your psyche, and the encounter with someone who shares your feelings could be a turning point in your life. Because you are aware of this, you are able to be quite successful with your love interests.

Kent Brooks is highly aware of psychological, metaphysical, or mystical questions. The future may hold a complete psychological metamorphosis in store for him.

Kent Brooks needs others to fulfill himself and accomplish his ambitions.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Capricorn (the Goat), while the sun was passing through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Sociability – Need for security – Adaptability – Inhibition – Emotionality – Application – Tolerance – Methodical mind – Peaceful disposition – Forethought – Sense of harmony – Loyalty – Worldliness.

You lives by the motto “Moderation in all things.” It is natural for you to postpone your aims and have patience to avoid violence and clashes which would be unbearable for you. Vacillating between tolerance and intransigence, your personal ambitions and your need to be recognized by and associated with others, you may sometimes feel somewhat misguided or misunderstood. However, your discernment and sense of harmony make you someone everyone respects, even though sometimes you may be so careful not to rock the boat that you seem a bit prudish and conventional. Although you are flexible, you can reconcile viewpoints without making a mockery of the truth, because you are against falsehoods and fraud. Your innate sense of harmony in any form could enable you to study such diverse fields as mathematics, philosophy, or social sciences. Your gift for human relations, associated with your strategic and tactical talents, might also predispose you to a diplomatic or political career.

Born on the third day after the full moon rose, you are said to be a “full moon” lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration gives you an objective, rational, and lucid character. However, since the moon is opposite the sun at the time of the full moon, your objective tendencies are balanced by a more idealistic penchant. Because the forces pull you in two different ways – one toward dreams, the other toward reality – you may be aware of some inner contradictions which are causing practical and social difficulties for you. At times, you are too demanding of yourself or others, comparing them to an ideal, whereas at others, you are too nonchalant and indulgent about life. You vacillate between two poles. One is elitist; the other is more earthy and perhaps vulgar at times. The result is a multifaceted self. Generally speaking, your monthly energy flow is strongest at the time of the full moon. You would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects.

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