Geraldine Kemper is a serious, steadfast individual who tries to stay grounded. Her ambitions are strong, and she will always be seeking a higher social position. She sometimes adopts a strategy of solitude and introversion.
Born under a new moon (when the moon and sun were in different parts of the sky), Geraldine Kemper enjoys a positive balance between the conscious and unconscious aspects of her psyche. Her determination and sensitivity balance one another and work together harmoniously. Her inner life contributes to the relationships with other people which make up her outer life. Her parents or teachers probably gave her the type of education which was adapted to her personality. As a result, her personality is basically balanced, which, of course, does not mean that her life is devoid of little asperities. Generally, the goals she sets for herself correspond to her skills. Without giving the matter much thought, Geraldine Kemper tends to follow prevailing trends and behave in a conventional enough way. She is subjective and sees the world according to her own perceptions instead of the way it really is.
Geraldine Kemper values freedom and independence greatly. To keep from being tied down, she is very skittish when it comes to any deep involvement in a relationship. As a result, she might intellectualize her emotions and feelings and feel as though she can live more easily on friendship than on love. Extremely socially-minded but idealistic, she almost certainly feels an affinity with the ideals of some social reform movement. Her imagination looks to the future.
Geraldine Kemper is extremely sensitive and perceptive. She luxuriates in tenderness and gentleness more than passion. Because she abhor any form of violence and is disturbed by the absence of harmony, she has developed a tact and diplomacy which make her relations with others smooth and easy.
Geraldine Kemper is an expansive, affable, and communicative associate. Indeed, some people find her generous almost to a fault! She gives of herself and her resources unstintingly. Paradoxically, there are times when she is self-focused. She reacts instinctively, without taking the trouble to analyze a given situation, and is prone to misjudge. As a result, her everyday life may be riddled with a whole variety of practical problems. Indeed, she senses a conflict between her social life and her family and will sometimes find it hard to fulfill herself in both spheres at the same time. Her attitude toward her private life may inhibit her ambitions for social or career expansion; at worst, society (the law) may impinge on her private life. She should be careful not to project her personal problems onto her partner. If, instead, the two of them analyzed the problem, they might be able to find opportunities to resolve it together.
Geraldine Kemper is afraid to love. She is worried about the world of her feelings, which is characterized by a certain chill and restraint. But she is not unfeeling; on the contrary, her sensitivity is so delicate that she is careful to protect it. Her determination to maintain control of her feelings and force her emotions to obey the laws of reason may stand in the way of intimacy and joy.
Geraldine Kemper’s birth chart indicates a somewhat introverted emotional function which is influenced by the cultural values traditional to her family and social class. Because she does not always trust her emotional urges and reactions, she generally prefers to hang back and acquire some perspective before committing herself emotionally.
Geraldine Kemper’s emotional involvement might be the source of some dissatisfaction for her. The usual romantic behavior and the lifestyle values prevailing in this area are not really appropriate for her. As a result, she seeks few intimate emotional relationships or contacts. She tends to stay in the background and fulfill her emotional needs by sublimating. She might not attain full romantic satisfaction until she reaches middle age.
Geraldine Kemper has an original personality which inspires her to live on the fringes of convention. She is more baroque than romantic and is torn between her emotional exaltation and a need for independence, between her sudden infatuations and the otherness every relationship implies. Her irrepressible imagination battles reality. If, during her youth, she was unable to understand and learn from her disillusionment, love will remain a dangerous terrain for her, a source of instability and suffering. However, if she has bid her adolescent dreams farewell, in maturity she should be able to invest her imagination and talent in an exceptional bond.
Geraldine Kemper thinks that a devoted admirer who will carry her off and cure her latent emotional depression is the dream she has always had. In reality, she may end up with a partner who won’t share the burden of practical constraints and responsibilities, and instead chases after adventure. As she matures, she hopes that a second relationship will be a happier one.
You are hypersensitive and tend to relive the anxieties, apprehensions, and romantic absolutes of your first love relationships, which occurred around the ages of 13-14 years or 20-21 years. You are exquisitely sensitive, but almost completely barricaded behind a layer of aloofness. You will not settle for anything less than eternal commitment, total harmony, and absolute loyalty. You are sometimes presumed to be cold, even by those close to you. You usually hide your emotional reactions or do not even allow them to reach the level of your consciousness, in an effort to protect your sensitivity, which you see as your weak point. You are fairly vulnerable, even in the intimacy of a stable and established relationship. Usually, you will disguise your strong feelings as a kind of possessiveness or even jealousy. Certain misfortunes may arouse a negative emotional state inside you, and you feel unworthy of the love which is lavished on you. This psychological prohibition which rules over all of your desires and affects should loosen with the passage of time; likewise, your fear of approaching the other will diminish. As a result, the second part of your romantic life will be more rewarding. In any case, if you want to experience a harmonious love relationship and gratify yourself emotionally, the defense mechanisms you have elaborated to make yourself inaccessible to others will have to be dismantled. Any profound relationship will also require that you learn how to forget yourself occasionally in the other.
Geraldine Kemper sometimes considers the input from her subjective and emotional states as static which she tries to tune out to go straight to the essence of knowledge. As a result, regardless of her field of study, she tries to obtain perspective. She will elaborately think on the basis of fairly cold, abstract logic, supported by sober, concise, and impeccable reasoning. Her choice areas of study could be mathematics, philosophy, legislation, or political science. Ideologies, theories, and any other system of reasoning could serve as “food for thought” for her.
Geraldine Kemper expresses her thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. She is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, she looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.
You have a deep and accurate mind which is drawn to the essence of things. As a result, you are particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Your contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. However, you will have to learn to work alone, because you tend to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. You will also have to learn to conquer your impatience, because you tend to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Furthermore, a lack of self-confidence could cause you to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, you should find the courage to question your convictions.
Geraldine Kemper has a definite taste for expression and communication. She cannot survive without giving voice to her thoughts and speaking to other people. She delights in her own power to persuade, captivate, and sway an audience with her words. Especially attracted to anything new and original, she immediately grasps the utility and value of the latest technology or philosophy, no matter how complicated it may be, and has a knack for explaining it to the uninitiated and popularizing it. Because she is fairly high strung, she may have trouble concentrating on a single subject for very long, unless it is a source of intellectual fascination or discovery. She may have to make some effort to overcome this inconsistency. Her open-mindedness offers her creativity, which is a valuable commodity in many occupations: teaching, communications, advertising, etc. Regardless of the career she chooses, her personal development will involve intellectual activity and progress.
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