What is Christie Begnell’s Personality Type?

Christie Begnell’s personality is adaptable and gregarious. She makes friends quickly and easily, and her contacts and networks are important to her because they enable her to evolve. She enjoys playing any role, and her animation and wit give her a talent for improvisation and adaptation. However, she is prone to instability, wishy-washiness, and a lack of determination and coherence in her thought.

Christie Begnell thrives in the peace and security of the nest. Her spouse and family will be an important part of her life.

Christie Begnell needs others to fulfill herself and accomplish her ambitions.

Christie Begnell is a Virgo born with the sun in Gemini. They are intelligent and quick to understand new information, but can be easily distracted. They seek meaning and continuity in their life, and are striving to become better people. They have the ability to concentrate and learn to control their impulses, in order to achieve their goals.

Born on the night of the full moon before it rose, you are said to be a gibbous moon lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration gives you a rich, complex personality, although you are sometimes troubled by the feeling you are struggling to do something great. Indeed, a feeling that you are lacking something may preoccupy you until you find a spiritual or humanitarian cause worthy of your devotion. Devotion will be important to you as a foundation for your inner and outer development. If you fail to encounter a great and noble cause to which you are willing to pledge yourself, you could always make do with a person whose aura and magnetism attract you. Whatever you decide, it is by working to serve a cause or another person that you will approach your own self-transformation.

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