What Bruce Walters’s Psychological Profile Reveals About Their True Self

Bruce Walters has a large store of vital energy which endows him with considerable physical endurance and initiative. However, the greater his energy resources, the less he might be able to control the flow.

Bruce Walters has a great deal of sang-froid. His inner calm and stolidity predispose him to tasks which require self-control and perseverance. He does not readily display his emotions, even in the most hair-raising situations.

Bruce Walters felt, thought, and acted as a function of objective circumstances. The outer world was the only one which counted for him, and his awareness was entirely focused on it. He was rarely moody or preoccupied and may sometimes be wary of his subjectivity.

Bruce Walters reacted promptly to various stimuli. His inner balance enabled him to take time to reflect when necessary, but he could also react promptly when circumstances required it.

Bruce Walters has the ability to concentrate and focus his attention on a single object intensely and exclusively. He may become a specialist in his field.

Bruce Walters’ objectivity in perception and behavior could, in the best of cases, lead to generosity and altruism.

Bruce Walters’s fierce individualism will promote independent and original behavior. He tends to lack team spirit. On the contrary, he needs to feel free and untrammeled by others to be really effective.

Bruce Walters is motivated by a thirst for power which gives him a certain authority. He has a feeling he is leadership material. However, he might be tempted to infringe on other people’s freedom and get involved in troublesome power struggles.

Bruce Walters has personality and presence because he trusts in himself and his convictions. He is quite sure of himself and may tend to be rather self-satisfied, although this does not eliminate his need for other people’s approval and recognition.

Bruce Walters rarely broods about things and is not troubled by irrational fears or anxieties.

Bruce Walters is chiefly interested in tangible facts and realistic details. A pragmatic personality, he never loses sight of the utilitarian or practical aspects of things.

Bruce Walters has a nimble mind. He can adopt a rigid, methodical approach when necessary or switch to a more flexible, free attitude that expresses his spontaneity.

Bruce Walters thought about what he should do.

Bruce Walters’ mind is especially perceptive of details. To arrive at a global perception, a vision of the whole, he proceeds gradually, piece by piece, aspect after aspect, in a fairly linear fashion.

Bruce Walters is not obsessed with order, but he is aware of a necessity to arrange and classify things to some degree.

Bruce Walters behaves in a way that is usually dictated by his whims, and he allows himself to be inspired by his imaginings. His openness and spontaneity give him the scope to be skillful, ingenious, or shrewd, rising to whatever the immediate circumstances require.

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