What’s Brooke Mueller’s Dominant Astrological Sign?

This planet symbolizes the principle of independence and self-sufficiency, as well as a principle of transformation. Its most striking characteristic is distance from others: the Uranian strives to stand out from the herd, distanced from structuring influences like convention, tradition, etc. Although this need to free yourself from the confines of convention, tradition, and family symbolizes an appeal for freedom and a desire to evolve beyond the bounds of physical limits toward a spiritual dimension, it may also correspond to a form of escape.

This is why you sometimes need to cut yourself off from situations or relationships which feel stifling to you. Your intense fear of being swallowed up psychologically causes you to react to certain emotional demands by making yourself remote or running away. You need a lot of space and frequent change. In a relationship, you are seeking a certain degree of intellectual excitement. Without it, you feel as though an unbearable, suffocating boredom sets in. By refusing certain concessions to convention which are practically inevitable, you may find yourself in unpleasant situations. Finding an intelligent alternative to the routine set by the rigid forms of the past is extremely different from rebelling against any form of authority, in the settings of family, school, business, or society.

One of the major problems you have to solve is how to wield your freedom, in your emotional relationships, as well as your relationships with society. You may find that you need to develop a thicker skin in order to deal with the demands of life. You are also prone to bouts of restlessness and a need for change. This can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it can lead to great achievements; on the other, it can be difficult to maintain any stability in your life. In a relationship, you are looking for someone who can stimulate your intellect and give you new perspectives on life.

Pluto is the planet of transformation. It rules the sign of Scorpio, the sign of death, redemption, and divine mysteries. Pluto’s energy is mysterious. Its discovery in 1932 associates it symbolically with the creation of the nuclear bomb and the development of psychoanalysis. In ancient mythology, Pluto was considered to be associated with all the aspects of the underworld – Hades, the Greek name for Pluto, was the god of shell. Today, the underworld is synonymous with the Mafia, and the two share many characteristics. Pluto occupies an important place in the horoscopes of great mystics and spiritual beings, as well as in the theme of certain dictators and tyrants, among them the most ruthless and greedy for power. In psychological terms, Pluto corresponds to the transmutation of instinctive energies into energies which are accessible consciously by the individual’s ego. This transmutation, which is never completely controllable, induces a power complex. On the social level, it might be symbolized by the nuclear disaster, the failure of Western man to master the energy of the atom – a power complex gone awry. On the individual level, Pluto is expressed either in a “power complex,” in which instinctive energy is completely transmuted into a personal resource, or as a “failure complex,” in which certain inhibitions prevent the instinctive energy from being transmuted.

Brooke Mueller

Brooke Mueller notices the 12th house in the sky and finds that it contains several planets, including the one which rules her rising sign.

According to tradition, the area of the astrological chart associated with the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, or the Fishes, symbolizes the epilogue of your various experiences. This is where the failures you encountered as you were going about your evolution may have accumulated; in certain extreme cases, they may have an impact on your health or well-being. This sector should thus be associated with your need to confront your own past, assume the errors you may have made, and accept your flaws. If you hope to improve your performance, you must confront your past, understand and analyze it. Before starting something new, it is often important to settle the unfinished business first.

Brooke Mueller noticed that the eighth house is an area of the sky which is especially important in her theme.

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