What does Bretman Rock’s astrological guidance say about their future?

If you really want to improve and transform yourself, the first step is to become aware of the weaknesses which may be holding you back and preventing your evolution, Bretman Rock.

You sometimes sense a conflict between your desire for social and professional success and your need for a stable, secure domestic life. You are deeply committed to both ideas and do not always succeed in reconciling their schedules and demands on you. Sometimes it feels as though you will never be able to find a balance. However, no job promotion will really satisfy you if you have neglected your most intimate needs and desires. Although it sometimes seems easier to you to climb the rungs of the career ladder out there in the real world, if you merely sacrifice your domestic life, you are only trying to fool yourself. You should accept the fact that your domestic life is the true basis and foundation of your development. All your career endeavors and success will be even more rewarding if they are supported by a safe, warm personal life.

Bretman Rock is rather obstinate, stubborn, and impervious to outside influences. Although his determination is an asset in bringing plans and projects to completion, it may also arouse bitter hostility against him. To fit in best, consider working on his flexibility and diplomacy.

Bretman Rock has deeply anchored emotional needs. Invariably, he tries to revive these sensations from his personal history, clinging to the security provided by the repetition of a feeling which produced a positive effect in the past. His desire for possession (tangible or emotional) could become a problem, because he may fixate on an object which is negative or bad for him. He will do well to make a conscious effort to overcome this unconscious negative conditioning which may be related to his childhood.

Bretman Rock is endowed with great sensitivity and has profound aspirations, especially romantic ones. Nevertheless, his spirit is sometimes too delicate for him to have armored and structured himself for the constraints of life out there in the real world. Moreover, he sees little point in devoting himself to fulfilling the demands of practical reality, which strike him as rather futile and empty. His escapes into his fantasy world give him the illusion of a much greater reward. He tends to gloss over his vision of other people, and when they reveal their imperfections and incompetence, he feels guilty for them and suffers from his own vulnerability and illusions. Bretman Rock would do well to try to be more selective about the people he associates with; when he is moving in a dream world, he attracts the kind of dishonest people who are likely to take advantage of him.

It is natural for a young person to feel out of phase with the social conventions and belief systems regulating their community or the ethical codes they are supposed to follow. Although, like anyone, they want to become a productive and valuable member of society, the models of success and achievement they see around them do not particularly inspire them. In order for them to find their own individual way to fit in, they will have to go through a period of long, hard introspection and self-examination. This intense introspection will yield a new self-image, a new identity, and a new vision of the world. It will be a turning point in their way of participating in society. Possible opportunities for introspection include a major journey, or advanced studies, etc.

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