What does Blaze Brooks’s psychology tell us about them?

Blaze Brooks seems passive and more or less resigned to his fate, including his insecurity. Actually, he is fairly introverted and withdrawn, trying to make sense out of his inner confusion and fathom his inner depths.

The personality and behavior of Blaze Brooks can be disrupted by a contradiction between the masculine and feminine archetypes governing his psyche. Because his sensitivity is in conflict with his determination, his attitude and performance may sometimes be moody, fluctuating, and uncertain. Usually, Blaze has the feeling that he has to make superhuman efforts to succeed in assuaging his yearnings and fulfilling his ambitions. His unconscious, sensitive side often disapproves of his conscious endeavors and stealthily works to defeat them, causing crucial omissions, mistakes, and gaps which effectively sabotage his plans. In his relationships, the images Blaze builds up and projects on the other are contradictory. As a result, any bond, even if it is pleasant and positive, might also annoy Blaze. He could find it dissatisfying and irritating at the same time.

Blaze Brooks was born into a family of strong willed individuals. She has a lively sensitivity and is capable of lasting passion, but she is not especially enterprising. She will move into a high career position as soon as she is certain of her abilities.

Blaze Brooks is pragmatic and realistic. She evaluates people and things according to practical, common-sense criteria instead of abstract concepts. A sensualist and lover of luxury, she has a penchant for material comfort and takes great joy in physical pleasures. In relation to others, socially and privately, she likes to build stable relationships and is not especially fond of change. Her warmth gives her a great deal of ease when meeting people, as clients (for business purposes), but her close relations also benefit from this affection and her ability to express her feelings naturally and openly.

Blaze Brooks is an expansive, affable, and communicative associate. Indeed, some people find him generous almost to a fault! He gives of himself and his resources unstintingly. Paradoxically, there are times when he is self-focused. He reacts instinctively, without taking the trouble to analyze a given situation, and is prone to misjudge. As a result, his everyday life may be riddled with a whole variety of practical problems. Indeed, he senses a conflict between his social life and his family and will sometimes find it hard to fulfill himself in both spheres at the same time. His attitude toward his private life may inhibit his ambitions for social or career expansion; at worst, society (the law) may impinge on his private life. He should be careful not to project his personal problems onto his partner. If, instead, the two of them analyzed the problem, they might be able to find opportunities to resolve it together.

Blaze Brooks hides her sensitivity behind a cool exterior and is conservative in her views. She is respectful of tradition and conventions and likes to follow the rules. She has great faith in contracts which seal relationships. Her ties to her past are strong and provide reassurance and safety. Her parents likely gave a lot to her.

Because you were born with a strong individuality, you quickly developed a unique and independent identity. Your first taste of liberty may have led you to challenge the education and values you received from your family and class tradition, and you were able to forge a strong, original personality and philosophy. Your relationships are usually free of conflict, because you are able to reconcile your need for independence with your desire for affection. However, your partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with you in your rapid evolution. You have an inspired and extremely lively wit and a brisk interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. You would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although you are an individualist, you have a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Blaze Brooks often has trouble differentiating dreams from reality. Although her imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, it tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern earning a decent living out in the real world. In a relationship, Blaze is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are. She has elegant tastes and art and beauty are one of her chief pleasures in life.

Blaze Brooks was taught to experience love in a certain way by her family, social class, or religion. She is determined to experiment with a new style. Her idealistic aspirations may be a form of escapism. They encourage her to cast off conventional romantic practices and customs and embark on new adventures.

Blaze Brooks’s birth chart indicates that an emotional function is usually expressed cautiously and reasonably. distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Blaze Brooks wields his wiles of sensual fascination and kindness with the purpose of controlling the other in addition to being loved. He is subject to intense and sometimes tragic passions, in which ecstasy and pain, jealousy and tenderness mingle inextricably. However, it is possible that as time goes on, he may succeed in overcoming his instincts, and be able to devote himself to the mate he has chosen in a positive and creative way.

Blaze Brooks prizes her freedom. She is subject to fall in love at first sight but will sometimes move on without any warning. She has a special art of communicating her energy and would rather have a good time and take pleasure in life with a freedom-loving companion than engage in an intense, passionate commitment. For her, the ideal match would be a partner who shared her aspirations for liberty.

Blaze Brooks has the passionate, importunate nature of a fervent lover. Indeed, affairs of the heart are one of his main purposes in life. His personal charm and magnetism give him nearly irresistible powers of seduction, and nearly every one of his well-aimed attempts at conquest leads to the fulfillment and satisfaction of his desires. Due to his impulsiveness and impatience to initiate new encounters, his approach to members of the other sex may sometimes lack delicacy.

You have a romantic imagination, soaring with idealism, dreams, and poetry. You are emotive and hypersensitive, making you especially vulnerable emotionally, since you are sometimes overwhelmed by your feelings and affects. Although you seek an ideal soulmate, a partner with whom you could maintain blissful, smooth relations, you are sometimes met with disillusionment. Because your rather excessive sensitivity and your need to merge with the other are deep and powerful enough, they can submerge your judgment and discernment, so you sometimes form extremely intense bonds too quickly with individuals who are not appropriate partners in many ways. When you meet someone, you fall under the enchantment of your dream of ideal love and cannot keep yourself from delighting in a reverie of future romance, placing the other on a pedestal. Early on in the relationship, you yield to another of your characteristic urges and lose yourself in the individual who is so dear to you, melding with them, only to awaken one morning and find yourself as if in the arms of a stranger, greatly astounded and disappointed. Actually, your psyche is constructed in such a way as to make your sensitivity a function of the environment, in many cases; it follows the flow of momentary emotions and impressions. Before you take on any major commitments, you should make a conscious effort to evaluate the relationship realistically, and see whether the person really reciprocates your intense love, for you may merely be in love with the mirage of an ideal partner. Your tendency to believe in your illusions may mark you as an easy prey for people with bad intentions. It would be a good idea for you to find a different object for your affections, or a form of sublimation, because you tend to be so disappointed by your great emotional investments. The delicacy and subtlety of your imagination procure artistic refinement for you, and you love the arts, music, and literature, which could all be good sources of emotional involvement and fulfillment. Because your sensitivity also makes it easy for you to empathize with the psychological or social difficulties your peers are struggling with, you might also find it rewarding to commit yourself to social work.

Curious, skeptical, and pragmatic, Blaze Brooks has a shrewd, inquisitorial mind. You always try to detect the hidden mechanisms and processes behind the phenomena you observe. As a result, you have developed an ability to detect the truth behind appearances and the cause behind the effect. Although this way of thinking is based on a certain logic, and there is evidence of structure and cohesion in your deductive approach, it is not always purely intellectual. Indeed, its sources lie in a certain empiricism, in facts which have been experienced, so it is open to improvement. For this reason, its fields of application are highly diverse, although research in the hard sciences, psychology, and metaphysics seem to be the best career choices.

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